

Spatial Interest Mechanisms for Collaborative Governance in Community Regeneration
摘要 社区更新因其复杂性、专业化和巨额投入亟待政府、市场、社会合作共担,并以多元合作治理网络强化来保障更新后运行可持续,相关研究对合作行为的触发动力机制和合作持续机制缺乏足够关注。基于空间生产理论,通过把社区空间从“场所”拓展为“要素”看待,社区更新合作可以从“国家治理尺度下沉—开发商生产逻辑延续—社区居民治权回归”的“意合”,以稳定的空间利益机制将合作治理网络链接强化,实现“政府更新发展与治理多重目标达成—运营商微利可持续运营—居民宜居和权利保障”的“利合”,并增进信任、培育自治能力、创造公共价值,为社区可持续运行奠定良好的市场和自治基础。本文尝试建立以社区空间为核心的合作治理分析框架,结合北京劲松探索实践,探讨政府—市场—社会如何从“意合”到“利合”,寻找促进合作治理的稳定共性机制,以期为特定空间中合作治理实践的开展提供有益的探索。 Due to the complexity and specialization of community regeneration along with huge investment,it is important to construct a multilateral collaborative governance network where government,market and society are engaged to ensure the sustainable operation after regeneration.In the rapidly growing literatures on collaborative governance,scant attention has been paid to the triggering dynamic mechanism of cooperative behaviour and cooperative sustainability.This paper aims to interrogate the taken-for-granted assumption and fill this gap by drawing inspiration from the theory of spatial production.We argue that it is possible to build a collaborative governance network with a stable spatial interest mechanism in the process of community regeneration when considering community space as an“element”rather than“place”.From this perspective,the community regeneration can approach not only under the“willingness coincidence mechanism”with the state downscaling of spatial governance,the spatial production of developers and the returning governance rights of community residents,but also the“interest coincidence mechanism”with governments’multiple regeneration objectives,developers’operating profit purposes and residents’concerns on livable and democratic environment.Moreover,such the mechanism helps to build trust,cultivate the self-governance ability and create public value,which lays a solid foundation for sustainable operation.As the case of Jinsong community in Beijing shows,a new pathway of reducing the regeneration cost through governance,realizing the marketization and sustainable development of community regeneration has been opened up.Findings of this paper call for better theoretical and practical attention toward the value of the inventory space and the relevant benefit-sharing mechanism which contributes to achieving the goals of sustainable regeneration and governance,and promoting modernization of the system and capacity for primary-level governance.
作者 姜玲 李磊 JIANG Ling;LI Lei
出处 《社会治理》 2022年第9期74-88,共15页 Social Governance Review
关键词 社区更新 老旧小区改造 合作治理 空间利益机制 community regeneration renovation of old urban residential communities collaborative governance space interest mechanism
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