
胡麻籽粒产量及相关农艺性状对多元化轮作模式的响应 被引量:2

Response of grain yield and related agronomic traits of oilseed flax to diversified cropping rotations
摘要 为探究适宜旱作农业区胡麻生产的种植模式,基于2012年开始的田间长期定位试验(4年一个轮作周期),研究了胡麻→胡麻→胡麻→胡麻[(F)FFF]、胡麻→小麦→马铃薯→胡麻[(F)WPF]、胡麻→马铃薯→胡麻→小麦[(F)PFW]、胡麻→胡麻→小麦→马铃薯[(F)FWP]、胡麻→小麦→胡麻→马铃薯[(F)WFP]和胡麻→小麦→马铃薯→小麦[(F)WPW]6种不同轮作模式下作物茬口、胡麻种植频率、胡麻间隔种植年限及连作年限对半干旱农业区胡麻株高、茎粗、干物质积累分配及籽粒产量的影响。轮作后第9年研究结果表明:与连作胡麻处理相比,轮作显著提高了籽粒产量,增幅为29。89%~109。57%,处理间依次表现为(F)WPW>(F)FWP>(F)WFP>(F)PFW>(F)WPF>(F)FFF,且受茬口、频率、间隔年限和连作年限影响显著,小麦茬和马铃薯茬较胡麻茬提高了54。45%~59。29%,25%频率分别较50%和100%频率显著增加了30。66%和109。57%,2年连作较4年连作高出29。89%,并且胡麻籽粒产量随间隔年限增加而增加。相关性分析结果显示,胡麻籽粒产量与有效蒴果数、分枝数和千粒重均呈显著正相关关系,且轮作处理下胡麻有效蒴果数、分枝数和千粒重分别较连作显著增加35。88%~108。91%、15。47%~46。19%和14。61%~16。34%。同时,胡麻高产伴随着株高、茎粗与干物质积累量的增加,全生育期轮作较连作分别增加了5。11%~42。24%、2。77%~39。92%和31。25%~117。89%,且随连作年限的缩短、茬口的更换、胡麻种植频率的减少及间隔种植年限的增加而增加。可见,通过轮作换茬可改善胡麻株高和茎粗的生长状况,优化其干物质积累与分配规律,增加胡麻分枝数、有效蒴果数和千粒重,进而提高籽粒产量。说明多元化轮作模式是解决胡麻因连作导致减产的有效种植方式,且胡麻→小麦→马铃薯→小麦是西北旱作区适宜的轮作模式。 This research aimed to identify a suitable planting pattern for oilseed flax production in a dry-farming region.A long-term field experiment was started in 2012 with a 4-year crop rotation cycle,designed to measure the effects on flax crop performance of previous crop,and various patterns of flax planting interval within the four-year rotation,compared with continuous flax cropping.Crop parameters measured included plant height,stem diameter,dry matter accumulation and distribution,and the experiment included six different crop rotation patterns:Flax→flax→flax→flax[(F)FFF];Flax→wheat→potato→flax[(F)WPF];Flax→potato→flax→wheat[(F)PFW];Flax→flax→wheat→potato[(F)FWP];Flax→wheat→flax→potato[(F)WFP]and flax→wheat→potato→wheat[(F)WPW].Results for the ninth year showed significantly increased grain yield(29.89%-109.57%)in crop rotation treatments compared with continuous cropping of oilseed flax.The ranking of the six tested rotations for yield was:(F)WPW>(F)FWP>(F)WFP>(F)PFW>(F)WPF>(F)FFF.The grain yield of oilseed flax was significantly affected by previous crop,frequency and years interval of flax cropping and number of years of continuous flax cropping.Yield was increased by 54.45%-59.29%under wheat stubble and potato stubble compared with oilseed flax stubble,and increased by 30.66%and 109.57%,respectively,under 50%and 25%frequencies,compared with 100%frequency.The grain yield of oilseed flax under two-year continuous cropping was higher by 29.89%than four-year continuous cropping,and increased with increase in years interval between flax crops.Correlation analysis identified a significantly positive correlation between oilseed flax grain yield and effective capsule number,branch number and 1000-seed weight.The effective capsule number,branch number and 1000-seed weight of oilseed flax under rotation treatment were increased by 35.88%-108.91%,15.47%-46.19%and14.61%-16.34%,respectively(P<0.05),compared with continuous cropping.In addition,the high grain yield of oilseed flax was accompanied by an increase in plant height,stem diameter and dry matter accumulation and these increases were,respectively,5.11%-42.24%,2.77%-39.92%and 31.25%-117.89%under the rotation regimes,compared with continuous cropping.Reduction in the number of years of continuous cropping years,change of crop stubble,decreased flax planting frequency and increased of interval between flax crops also improved flax crop performance.In summary,crop rotation improved the vigor of oilseed flax,resulting in greater plant height and stem diameter,improved dry matter accumulation and distribution,leading to increased branch number,effective capsule number and 1000-seed weight,and increase in the crop yield of oilseed flax.The results indicated that a multiple-crop rotation pattern was an effective way to avoid the yield reduction caused by continuous cropping in oilseed flax.The rotation:Flax→wheat→potato→wheat performed best among those tested and can be recommended as an appropriate cropping rotation for oilseed flax production in the dry region of northwest China.
作者 王海娣 张勇 高玉红 吴兵 剡斌 崔政军 王一帆 张雪 WANG Hai-di;ZHANG Yong;GAO Yu-hong;WU Bing;YAN Bin;CUI Zheng-jun;WANG Yi-fan;ZHANG Xue(Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop,Lanzhou 730070,China;College of Agronomy,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China;College of Life Sciences and Technology,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期52-65,共14页 Acta Prataculturae Sinica
基金 甘肃农业大学干旱生境作物学重点实验室主任基金课题(GSCS-2020-Z6),甘肃农业大学伏羲杰出人才项目(Gaufx-02J05) 甘肃省教育科技创新产业支撑计划项目(2021CYZC-38) 特色油料作物产业技术体系(CARS-14-1-16) 中央引导地方科技发展专项基金(ZCYD-2021-12) 甘肃省教育科技创新项目(2021CXZX-366)资助。
关键词 胡麻 轮作 茬口 频率 间隔年限 干物质 产量 oilseed flax crop rotation previous crop crop frequency crop interval dry matter yield
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