树干液流速率是判断根系水分吸收和蒸腾作用强弱的关键指标,被普遍应用于树木蒸腾耗水研究,常用的植物液流仪普遍是价格高昂、采样数据类型单一的进口设备,因此亟待研发集多因素于一体的树干液流监测系统。基于树干液流及气象和土壤因子建立树干液流监测系统,其采用基于热扩散技术的TDP液流计监测枝干液流,采用多类型传感器实现气象和土壤因素数据的收集,系统平台采用PHP+HTML+MySQL作为开发语言和设计工具。与对照植物液流仪对比,二者电压差、液流速率相关系数分别为0.834 3、0.876 5。选取环境因子对全天、日间、黑夜时段的白玉兰液流速率进行相关性分析,发现不同时段环境因子对液流速率的影响程度不同。此外,建立液流速率与环境因子的多元线性回归模型,其中全天时段的回归模型拟合程度较好,R2为0.674。该系统具有性价比高、监测指标多、各指标数据可视化等特点,可用于研究林木液流速率和环境因子的时空变化规律。
Trunk sap flow rate is a key indicator for judging the strength of root water absorption and transpiration,and is widely used in the study of tree transpiration water consumption. At present,the plant sap flow meters are generally imported equipment with high prices and a single type of sampling data. Therefore,it is urgent to develop a domestic tree trunk sap flow monitoring system that integrates multiple factors. This paper established a trunk sap flow monitoring system based on tree trunk sap flow and meteorological and soil factors. The TDP sap flow meter based on thermal diffusion technology was used to monitor the branch and trunk sap flow,and the meteorological and soil factor data were collected using multiple types of sensors. The system platform adopt PHP+HTML+MySQL as development language and design tool. Compared with the CK plant sap flow meter,the correlation coefficients of the voltage difference and sap flow rate were 0.834 3 and 0.876 5,respectively. Correlation analysis was carried out on the magnolia sap flow rate during the whole day,daytime and night time by selected environmental factors. The results showed that the environmental factors had different influences on the sap flow rate in different time periods. In addition,a multiple linear regression model of liquid flow rate and environmental factors was established,and the regression model of the whole day time period was well fitted with an R2of 0.674. Compared with foreign equipment,the system had the characteristics of high cost performance,many monitoring indicators,and data visualization of each indicator,So it could be used to study the temporal and spatial variation of tree sap flow rate and environmental factors.
ZHANG Biao;ZHANG Dongmei;ZHANG Lang;FENG Zhongke;SUN Linhao(Key Laboratory of Precision Forestry,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 10083,China;Key Laboratory of National Forestry Administration,Ecological Garden,Shanghai Academy of Landscape Planning and Research,Shanghai 200232,China)
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology