Based on the standards of cadastral survey and the planning of cadastral survey design,this paper analyzes the technology selected by CPS in the actual survey,and plans a scientific and reasonable project plan.Moreover,it studies the method of GNSSRTK measurement at boundary points,and plans scientific solutions to various drawbacks.This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of RTK method and the corresponding countermeasures,and gives more reasonable measurement scheme suggestions for reference.Using GNSS-RTK to carry out boundary point survey can meet the accuracy standard of cadastral survey,especially in a wide range;however,in areas where it is difficult to carry out survey,the method of selecting the mutual operation of GNSS-RTK and the whole station can deal with the survey of boundary sites and reach the accuracy standard.
YE Ying(Zhejiang Institute of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology,Hangzhou 310000,China)
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology