
美国对1974年印度核试验的反应与核供应国集团的创建 被引量:1

The U.S.Response to India’s Nuclear Test in 1974 and the Creation of Nuclear Suppliers Group
摘要 20世纪70年代初,在美苏冷战的大背景下,尼克松政府更多聚焦于美苏缓和以及对美、苏、中三边关系的调整,并未把核不扩散置于对外政策的优先地位,没能对拒绝加入《核不扩散条约》的印度的核动态保持足够重视,对日益活跃的印度核活动做出了草率的判断,并缺少有效的应对预案。1974年5月印度进行核试爆以后,尼克松与福特两任政府出于防止印度进一步倾向苏联、并维持南亚地缘战略平衡的考虑,选择对印度采取“低调”反应,未给予其较为严厉的制裁。与此同时,美国与世界主要核工业国协作在全球范围内建立多边核不扩散机制,于1975年11月共同创建了核供应国集团,从供应源头加强核管制。这样一方面能把印度这类敏感国家置于更完善的国际核不扩散机制约束下,以维护国际核不扩散目标;另一方面也避免迫使印度更依赖苏联,从而维持1971年印巴战争后南亚地区新的均势稳定局面。 In the early 1970s,due to the U.S.-Soviet Cold War confrontation,the Nixon Administration focused on the U.S.-Soviet détente and the manipulation of the strategic triangle relationships among the United States,the Soviet Union and China,rather than considered the nuclear non-proliferation a priority policy,and also failed to pay enough attention to India’s nuclear posture who refused to join Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.The Nixon Administration made an erroneous judgement regarding India’s nuclear development trend and was even lack of effective contingency plan.The Nixon and Ford Administrations finally made a choice of‘low key’response to India’s nuclear test after May 1974 in order to prevent India from leaning too much on the Soviet Union and keep the balance of the South Asian geopolitical situation.However,due to the negative consequence of India’s nuclear test,the U.S.government turned to create a more rigorous international nuclear non-proliferation system and united the major nuclear industries in the world to create the Nuclear Suppliers Group which aimed at controlling the main sources of international nuclear supplies.This measure tried not only to put the sensitive nuclear powers,such as India,under the control of a more rigorous international nuclear non-proliferation system,but also to avoid India’s further dependence on the Soviet Union and keep the stable situation of the South Asian geopolitical balance forming after the Indian-Pakistan War of 1971.
作者 刘磊 Liu Lei
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期21-36,I0002,I0003,共18页 World History
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“美国防核扩散政策档案的搜集、整理与研究(1945-2017)”(项目编号:20&ZD242)的阶段性成果。
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  • 2Henry Kissinger, White House Years, Boston: Little, Brown and Company Limited, 1979.
  • 3John G. Stoessinger, Henry Kissinger: The Anguish of Power, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1976.
  • 4Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
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  • 6Henry Kissinger, A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problem of Peace, 1812-1822 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957.
  • 7John Lewis Gaddis, “Rescuing Choice from Circumstance:The Statecraft of Henry Kissinger”, in Gordon A. Graig and Francis L. Loewenheim, eds., The Diplomats, 1939 - 1979 , Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994.
  • 8Henry Kissinger, Years of Renewal, New York: Little, Brown and Company Limited, 1982.
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