
教师生命意识的审视与建构 被引量:1

Reflection and Construction of Teachers’ Life Consciousness
摘要 为了促进学生的生命成长,教育必须矫正漠视生命的异化现象,回归立德树人的根本价值,发挥化育生命的育人功能。教育要实现化育生命的价值和育人功能,关键在于教师。教师生命意识是教师在教育实践中对生命的体验,是教师对教育事实的反映,是教师对生命的意向性活动,是教师对教育与生命关系的感知与体悟。增强生命意识有助于教师成长为具有自主性和较高生命境界的卓越教师,有助于教师在教育实践中觉知生命、关怀生命、促进学生生命的成长。教师生命意识的研究不仅在理论上拓宽了对教师及其教育实践的认识,同时也确立了教师专业自主发展的实践起点。教师的生命意识结构包括“教师自我”“我思”和“我思对象”。教育是促进学生生命成长的活动,教师是专门从事教育的人员。克服教育的异化,回归教育原点,需要唤醒教师的生命意识。教育叙事是融入教师自身体验而唤醒生命意识的一种方法。教师的反思性写作是增强教师生命意识的有效途径,也是教师实现自我价值的生存方式。教师的角色并不仅仅是传播知识的理性人,每一位教师都是活生生的人,在生活世界中会与他者打交道,其生命活动就是实施教育的过程,其生命的价值与意义在于促进学生绽放生命的光彩以及寻找存在的意义。 At present, utilitarian education prevails, and the origin of educational activities has been forgotten. In order to promote the growth of students’ life, we must correct the alienation of education ignoring life, and let education return to its original value and give play to the educational function that it should have. The key to realize the value of “educating life” in education lies in teachers, so it is necessary for teachers to have life consciousness. A teacher’s life consciousness is a teacher’s experience of life in educational practice, a reflection of educational facts, the intentionality of life, and his or her understanding of the relationship between education and life. Strengthening life consciousness will help teachers to grow into excellent teachers with autonomy and a higher life realm, and help teachers to be aware of life, care for life, and promote the development and growth of students’ life in educational practice. The study of teachers’ life consciousness not only broadens the understanding of teachers and their educational practice in theory, but also establishes the practical starting point of teachers’ professional independent development. This paper tries to clarify the connotation of teachers’ life consciousness and build a theoretical framework of teachers’ life consciousness. Specifically, the research will be discussed from the following aspects. The first is the concept of teachers’ life consciousness;and the second is the structure construction of teachers’ life consciousness and the construction of research methods of teachers’ life consciousness. In the process of analyzing these contents, we strive to deepen the understanding of teachers’ life consciousness, and then choose appropriate research methods for research. The structure of teachers’ life consciousness includes teachers’ self-conception, self-thinking and objects of self-thinking. Education is an activity to promote students’ life growth, and teachers are specialized in education. To overcome the alienation of education and return to the origin of education, we need to awaken teachers’ life consciousness. Educational narrative is a way to awaken life consciousness by integrating teachers’ own experience. Teachers’ reflective writing is not only a way to enhance teachers’ life consciousness, but also a way of life for teachers. A teacher is not just a rational person whose role is to spread knowledge, but also a living person who deal with others in the life. The value of his or her life activities is reflected in the process of educational practice. The significance of his life is to promote the growth of students, bring out the best in students, and find the meaning of existence.
作者 刘爽 LIU Shuang(School of Education,Xinyang University,Xinyang 464000,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2023年第1期28-34,共7页 Journal of Teacher Education
关键词 教师 生命意识 生命成长 教育叙事 反思性写作 teacher life consciousness life growth educational narrative reflective writing
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