
美国确保能源转型所需关键矿产供应链安全的战略启示 被引量:7

Strategic Implication of the Security of the Supply Chain of Key Minerals Needed by Energy Transformation by the United States
摘要 关键矿产是确保能源转型的关键,确保关键矿产供应链安全成为各国关注的焦点。美国高度重视关键矿产供应链安全,通过政策、战略规划、科技创新、外交等手段构建了确保能源转型所需的关键矿产供应链安全一体化的战略体系。美国的相关战略举措,对中国推进能源转型、实现“双碳”目标具有重要借鉴意义。在分析梳理美国确保能源转型所需关键矿产供应链安全的战略举措基础上,提出以下几点建议:完善政策体系,强化供应链风险预警;加强科技创新,拓展上下游供应链;加强国内资源勘查,增强自给保障能力;完善关键矿产清单,加强国家战略物资储备制度建设;加强国际合作,构建多元保障新格局。 Key minerals remain the key to guaranteeing the energy transformation.Different countries are now highlighting the security of the supply chain concerning key minerals.The United States attaches great importance to the security of the supply chain of key minerals.By way of policy,strategic planning,scientific and technological innovation,diplomacy and other methods,the United States has built a strategic system to ensure the security integration of the supply chain of key minerals needed for energy transformation.The related tactic measures adopted by the United States are quite meaningful for China to improve energy transformation and achieve the“dual-carbon”goal.Based on analyzing the strategic measures by the United States to secure the supply chain regarding key minerals in the process of energy transformation,the following suggestions are put forward herein:we should improve the policy system and intensify the risk warning in terms of the supply chain;we should strengthen technology innovation and expand both the upstream and downstream supply chain;we should enhance the domestic resource exploration and the self-supply capability;we should improve the list of key minerals and intensify the development of national strategic material storage system;we should also promote global cooperation so as to form a new pattern fea turing diversified guarantee.
作者 张所续 ZHANG Suoxu(Chinese Academy of Natural Resources Economics)
出处 《油气与新能源》 2022年第6期1-9,共9页 Petroleum and new energy
基金 基于经济形势分析的自然资源战略重大问题研究项目资助(121102000000190007)。
关键词 能源转型 关键矿产 供应链 “双碳”目标 Energy transformation Key minerals Supply chain “Dual-carbon”go al
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