
东北抗联精神的新时代价值与传承路径 被引量:1

New Era value and inheritance path of Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army spirit
摘要 东北抗联精神作为由中国共产党领导的东北抗日联军在长期抗日斗争中所呈现出的民族气节和革命品格,在迈向社会主义现代化强国的征程中仍然承载着不可估量的历史价值和时代意蕴。具体而言,东北抗联精神以忠诚于党的坚定信念、勇赴国难的民族大义、血战到底的英雄气概等基本内涵,丰富和充实了中国共产党人精神谱系。而作为宝贵的精神财富,东北抗联精神更是推动中国共产党人筑牢信仰之基、补足精神之钙、把稳思想之舵的强大精神动力。新时代,赓续传承东北抗联精神须将其融入党史学习教育中,以强化学术研究、健全传承机制、激活红色资源等实践形式有效推进党史学习教育理论化、长效化、生动化。总的来说,多元化地呈现东北抗联精神的新时代价值、创造性地构建东北抗联精神的传承路径,对新时代背景下强化东北抗联精神、传承红色基因、砥砺革命意志、赓续初心使命具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。 The national integrity and revolutionary character emerged from the long-term Anti-Japanese invasion war as the spirit of the struggle of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army(NAJUA)led by the Communist Party of China(CPC)still carry immeasurable historical value and time implication in the journey to a socialist modern power.Specifically,the basic connotation of the NAJUA enriched and replenished the spiritual spectrum of the CPC with the firm belief of loyalty to the CPC,the national justice of bravely going to save the national disaster,and the heroic spirit of fighting to the end,etc.As a valuable spiritual wealth,the spirit of the NAJUA is a powerful spiritual power to promote the CPC people to build a solid foundation of faith,supplement the calcium of spirit,and stabilize the rudder of thought.In the New Era,in order to continue inheriting the spirit of the NAJUA,the spirit will be integrated into the history learning and education of CPC.It thus effectively promotes the theoretical,long-term and vivid development of the party history learning and education by strengthening academic research,improving the inheritance mechanism,and activating red resources and other practical forms.In general,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to present the New Era value of the NAJUA spirit in a diversified way,and to creatively construct the inheritance path of the NAJUA spirit in the New Era background,to strengthen the NAJUA spirit,to inherit the red gene,to temper the revolutionary will,and to continue the original mission.
作者 赵慧玲 ZHAO Hui-ling(School of Marxism,Tianjin University of Science and Technology,Tianjin 300347,China)
出处 《沈阳工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第6期485-490,共6页 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划项目(TJKS21-019)。
关键词 东北抗联精神 新时代价值 中国共产党人 传承路径 Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army(NAJUA)spirit New Era value Chinese Communist inheritance path
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