

The Sanctification of the Bourgeois Conception of Justice and Its Critique
摘要 根据艾伦·伍德的观点,马克思一方面反对将正义作为评价标准,另一方面又在运用资产阶级正义标准评价资本主义,并对资产阶级正义观及其视域下的资本主义正义性深信不疑。这种解读的必然结果是将马克思置于马克思本人必然会反对的境地,即将资产阶级正义观神圣化,并由此陷入真正的意识形态幻觉。实际上,按照马克思的观点,无产阶级正义观是无产阶级对资本主义生产方式以及从中生成的社会主义和共产主义生产方式的合理回应。因此,基于无产阶级正义观批判资本主义是正当的。伍德所呈现的自相矛盾甚至思想混乱的马克思及其正义观,只是他将资产阶级正义观神圣化而产生的幻觉。 According to Allen Wood,Marx was using bourgeois justice standards to evaluate capitalism and believing in the bourgeois conception of justice and the justice of capitalism while opposing to using justice as a criterion for evaluating society and social systems.The inevitable result of this interpretation is to put Marx in the situation that Marx himself will inevitably oppose,that is,to sanctify the bourgeois conception of justice and so fall into a real ideological illusion.In fact,according to Marx’s point of view,the proletarian conceptionof justice is a reasonable reaction of the proletariat to the capitalist mode of production and the socialist and communist modes of production generated from it,and so it is justified to criticize capitalism based on such conception.Therefore,the self-contradictory and even puzzle-headed Marx and his view of justice,described and presented by Allen Wood,is not an objective fact but an illusion of Wood because of his sanctifying the bourgeois conception ofjustice.
作者 田世锭 Tian Shiding
出处 《马克思主义哲学研究》 2022年第1期299-308,共10页 Marxist Philosophical Research
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“当代英美马克思主义者对资本主义的道德批判研究”(项目编号:19AKS003)的阶段性成果。
关键词 马克思 正义 无产阶级正义观 资本主义道德批判 Marx Justice The Proletarian Conception of Justice Moral Critique of Capitalism
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