AIM: To investigate knowledge, risk perception, and attitude towards corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19) and infection control measures among optometrists in Jordan.METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was distributed through social media platforms to optometrists registered with the Jordanian syndicate and Jordanian association of optics. Information on participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge of clinical features of COVID-19, risk assessment and infection control measures for preventing disease transmission were collected. RESULTS: A total of 135 optometrists(80 females and 55 males) with a mean age of 32±10y responded to the survey. Most optometrists were aware of COVID-19 symptoms, modes of transmission and measures for preventing COVID-19 and transmission in the ophthalmic setup. However, more than half of the optometrists did not receive any training about protection or infection control by their employers at their work place. Social media was the most common source of information on COVID-19(76%). Most optometrists(85.2%) thought that the virus could be detected in tears, and 45.9% thought that red eye is a symptom of COVID-19.CONCLUSION: Optometrists in Jordan are aware of the clinical features and preventive measures related to COVID-19 infection. However, training on infection control is lacking and needs to be improved. Guidelines by international professional optometric associations should be promoted through regional and national associations to all registered optometrists and access to peer review. Journals should be encouraged to ensure that the knowledge about the pandemic is up to date and accurate.
Supported by the Deanship of Research at Jordan University of Science and Technology。