
21世纪以来国内外团队创造力的比较研究 被引量:12

A comparative study of the team creativity at home and abroad since the 21st century
摘要 团队创造力是进入21世纪以来中外组织行为学研究者共同关注的一项热点主题。本文采用CiteSpace可视化软件,对2001-2018年中外团队创造力研究的时间分布、热点及知识基础进行比较分析。结果发现,国内外团队创造力研究整体呈快速上升趋势,且创造力研究的知识基础较为相似;国外研究热点侧重于影响团队创造力的互动因素及其结果变量;国内则较多关注其内涵结构、研究对象及方法。未来我国团队创造力研究应在研究方法、研究视角、研究情境、提升机制四个方面实现转变和突破。 With the accelerating pace of the new round of science and technology revolution and industry transformation,the competitive situation faced by modern organizations is more uncertain,and how to improve the independent innovation ability is the realistic challenge they faced.As the basic unit of organizational operation and development,a team is an important carrier to stimulate creativity.It featured innovation integration that cannot be achieved by individuals and the innovation flexibility that is lacking in organizational context.Team creativity is the key to the organization innovation performance and competitive advantage,and means that its members are able to cooperate mutually in a complex social system to create value,useful and novel products,ideas and procedures.It is also formed by the team members through interaction and cooperation,with the features such as correlation,gradation,interactivity and diversity.With the generalization of team innovation,team creativity has become a hot topic in both theoretical and practical circles.Since the 21st century,a large number of valuable research of team creativity have emerged.Based on different research perspectives,scholars have adopted different research methods to discuss the structural connotation,influencing factors and"black box mechanism"of team creativity,making necessary contributions.At present,the domestic and foreign scholars have relevant research achievements analyzed.And many review about team creativity has also published.However,these reviews used the qualitative method,which lacking quantitative research.What′s more,few scholars focused on research difference between home and abroad.Therefore,a systematic and comprehensive review of the existing research of team creativity at home and abroad has important value.This paper uses the literature metrology method(the CiteSpace software)to analyze the team creativity research from 2001 to 2018.Foreign literature selected the SSCI database under the database of"Web of Science"and took"team creativity/creativity in team"and"group creativity/creativity in group"as the subject search words.The search formula as follows:TS=(team creativity OR creativity in team OR group creativity OR creativity in group),and 410 literatures were obtained.Domestic literatures selected from China national knowledge infrastructure(CNKI),and 223 papers were obtained by taking"subject word=team creativity"as the retrieval method.Reviews,conference abstracts and other literature unrelated to team creativity are excluded from the final literature in both Chinese and English.On analytical method,namely using keywords co-occurrence get team creativity research hot spot,using Chinese and foreign literatures are cited analysis mining team creativity research of knowledge base,thus reveals the similarities and differences of team creativity research both at home and abroad,in order to provide reference and enlightenment for Chinese enterprise innovation and human resources management practices.The results show that:(1)there are a large number of researches on team creativity at home and abroad,with an overall trend of growth and rapid development.With the rapid development of economy,the pressure on the survival of organizations increases.Strengthening the construction of innovative teams and improving team creativity have become an important way for the development of organizational innovation and the maintenance of competitive advantages.The study on team creativity naturally attracts the attention of researchers.However,the research on team creativity in China started late and was lagged behind in other countries.Influenced by the innovation-driven development strategy and the strategy of"mass entrepreneurship and innovation initiative",the research on team creativity in China has developed rapidly in a short period of time,with the pace of research constantly accelerating and certain achievements achieved.Compared with foreign countries,there are many gaps in research level and research methods.(2)foreign research hotspot focuses on the interaction factors that affect team creativity and its outcome variables,namely by the team overall characteristics of special properties show synergistic consolidation(team communication,team conflict,task conflict)and creativity for the team to the innovation output,innovation,product development,performance,etc.into the path of the mechanism,transformation based on the situation.Domestic researches pay more attention to the concept and connotation of team creativity,research objects(R&D teams of enterprises and research teams of universities)and research methods(mostly using empirical methods).There are many similarities and some overlaps between Chinese and foreign research focuses on team creativity,such as transformational leadership and team interaction.At present,the research direction of team creativity in China is generally same as the world,and the essence of the research is basically grasped.However,there are also significant differences.For example,foreign countries pay more attention to the characteristics of team composition,while domestic countries pay more attention to the research methods and research objects.(3)In foreign research on team creativity,a research team represented by Hulsheger,Shalley,Gong,etc.,was formed;In domestic research on team creativity,a research team represented by Tang Chaoying and Wang Liying was formed.Through the comparative analysis of the research on team creativity at home and abroad,it has the following implications for the future research in China.From the perspective of research,we should change from single level to multiple levels to investigate the cross-level moderating effect of high-level variables(such as organizational culture,organizational development stage,etc.)on team creativity,and form a unified paradigm for defining the concept of multidimensional creativity.In terms of the research situation,we should move from the western situation to the eastern situation,that is,we should combine the unique cultural characteristics and value system of Chinese organizations to improve the measurement tools and methods of team creativity.In terms of the promotion mechanism,we should shift from internal stimulation to the integration of internal and external resources,that is,we should pay more attention to the balance between internal and external promotion of the team,optimize the team interaction mechanism,obtain external stimulus,and establish its dynamic coupling of internal and external support network.
作者 任永灿 张建卫 赵辉 Ren Yongcan;Zhang Jianwei;Zhao Hui(Teachers′College,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100011,China;School of Humanities and Social Science,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;Faculty of Education,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,Henan,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期65-72,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 北京联合大学科研项目资助:“领导风格对大学生团队科学创造力的作用机制”(ZK80202007) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“‘互联网+’时代高校国防科技人才的核心素养:模型构建、演进机理和培育路径”(72074024) 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目:“供给视角下典型行业特色高校创新型人才培养模式研究”(72041002) 北京市教育科学“十三五”规划2020年度重点课题:“大学生实践活动对其领导力涌现的影响研究”(CEAA2020047)。
关键词 团队创造力 知识图谱 比较研究 team creativity knowledge map comparative study
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