
创新创业:政策分析框架与案例研究 被引量:7

Innovation-based entrepreneurship:The policy analysis framework and a case study
摘要 “创新创业”作为推动未来技术和产业变革的重要方式,引发了关于政策理论构建和实践探索的新思考。本文回顾了当前创新创业政策的研究现状,从技术和市场两个视角定义了“创新创业”,从“政策资源-利益相关者-发展阶段”三个维度构建了创新创业政策分析框架,并以此框架分析了《关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造“双创”升级版的意见》。研究发现:(1)“创新创业”是“基于创新的创业”,既强调新兴技术迭代创新、商业模式创新和政府管理创新,也强调满足当前市场需求或创造未来市场需求。创新创业兼具技术和市场的双重不确定性,前者对创业者把握技术发展趋势的能力提出更高的要求,后者对创业者承担双重不确定性引发的创业风险的能力提出更高的要求。(2)创新创业的政策资源主要包括人才、财税、金融、孵化服务、公共服务,利益相关者主要包括创新创业者和创新创业企业、政府部门、高校和科研机构、金融机构、创新创业服务机构以及大中型企业,发展阶段分为孵化初创期、成长发展期。(3)“双创升级版”政策充分考虑了创新创业的阶段性特征和特定利益相关者需求,其中政府采购等财税政策对创新创业的支持力度较大。本文提出以下政策启示:一是创新创业是高水平创新人才基于创新的创业活动,必须多措并举,采取多种政策组合,支持和吸引高水平创新人才投身创新创业。二是创新创业政策的成效取决于政策的针对性和合理性,需要选择财政政策支持为主、税收和人才政策等为辅的政策组合,给予足以吸引高水平创新人才投身创业并集聚创新创业团队的政策支持力度,形成中国特色创新创业政策体系。 As an essential way of entrepreneurship,"innovation-based entrepreneurship"has triggered new thinking about policy theory construction and practical exploration.This paper systematically reviewed the current research status of innovation-based entrepreneurship policy.We defined"innovation-based entrepreneurship"in terms of technology and market.We constructed a framework for analyzing innovation-based entrepreneurship policy in three dimensions:policy resources,stakeholders,and development stages.Moreover,we used this framework to analyze Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-Quality Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship to Create an Upgraded Version of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.The analysis results have achieved the following findings:Firstly,"innovation-based entrepreneurship"can also be referred to as"innovative entrepreneurship".Innovation-based entrepreneurship emphasizes iterative innovation of new technologies,business model,government management,and meeting current market demands or creating future market demands.Therefore,innovation-based entrepreneurship should grasp not only the direction of future technology development but also the direction of future industry development.The success of innovation-based entrepreneurship directly affects the development pattern of strategic emerging and future industries,affecting the innovation-driven high-quality,sustainable development of the national economy and society.Innovation-based entrepreneurship has higher uncertainty than traditional entrepreneurship because of the double uncertainty of technology and the market.The former puts higher demands on the ability of entrepreneurs to grasp the development trend of technology,while the latter puts higher demands on the ability of entrepreneurs to bear the entrepreneurial risks caused by the double uncertainty.Secondly,the policy resources of innovation-based entrepreneurship mainly include talents,taxation,finance,incubation services,and public services.The stakeholders mainly include innovative entrepreneurs and companies,government departments,universities,research institutions,financial institutions,entrepreneurship service institutions,and large and medium-sized enterprises.The development stages include the incubation and start-up period and the growth and development period.Thirdly,the policy case in this paper entirely considers the stage characteristics and the needs of specific stakeholders of innovation-based entrepreneurship.Tax reduction,government procurement,and other fiscal policies are more supportive.However,it is worth pointing out that the current innovation-based entrepreneurship policy still has room for improvement in relevance and operability.For example,the policy of weighted tax deduction for R&D costs policy is more applicable to motivate large and medium-sized enterprises to innovate.However,it has little incentive for innovative start-ups with smaller revenues.Finally,this paper proposes the following policy insights.(1)Innovation-based entrepreneurship is the entrepreneurial activity of high-level innovative talents.The government must take multiple measures and adopt various policy combinations to support and attract high-level innovative talents to join innovation-based entrepreneurship.For example,the government can set up a special innovation-based entrepreneurship guidance sub-fund under the National Emerging Industry Venture Capital Guidance.They also need to strengthen the inspection and testing,certification and accreditation,and in-test certification service systems required for innovation-based entrepreneurship in national incubators and university science and technology parks to enhance the ability of innovation-based entrepreneurship subjects to grasp technology development trends bear the entrepreneurial risks arising from double uncertainty.(2)The effectiveness of innovation-based entrepreneurship policies depends on the relevance and rationality of the policies.The government must clarify the main subjects of innovation-based entrepreneurship policies and the differences in the demand for resource factors at different stages of innovation-based entrepreneurship.They need to strengthen the analysis of the cost of innovation-based entrepreneurship policies,fully consider the characteristics of innovation-based entrepreneurship enterprises,such as financial constraints and insufficient taxable income,choose a policy combination that is mainly supported by fiscal policies,and give policy support that is strong enough to attract high-level innovation talents to join entrepreneurship and gather innovation-based entrepreneurship teams,to form an innovation-based entrepreneurship policy system with Chinese characteristics.
作者 宋卿清 穆荣平 Song Qingqing;Mu Rongping(Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;School of Public Policy and Management,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期83-92,共10页 Science Research Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:“创新引领发展的机制与对策研究”(18ZDA101)。
关键词 创新创业 创新创业政策 政策分析框架 innovation-based entrepreneurship innovation-based entrepreneurship policy policy analysis framework
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