
刑事诉讼撤案与监察撤案“二元化”:比较与反思 被引量:4

“Dualization” of Withdrawal Under Criminal Procedure and Supervisory Procedure:Comparison and Reflection
摘要 我国刑事诉讼撤案与监察撤案呈现“二元化”现象,在理念追求、程序架构上差异甚大。刑事诉讼撤案表现为控权模式,以防范侦查权滥用、发现事实真相为目标,剥夺了侦查机关对轻微犯罪、证据不足案件撤案的权力,配之以较高的撤案证明标准、严格的侦查终结程序、无侦查期限以及充分的监督救济程序。监察撤案表现为集中统一模式,赋予了监察机关对证据不足案件撤案的权力;有较为明确的监察办案期限;监察撤案包括职务违法撤案与刑事撤案,缺乏独立的监察刑事撤案制度;监察撤案权由监察机关集中、独立行使,排斥外部制约。两种不同的模式服务于不同的功能、目标,应当以制度改良为改革方向。对于刑事诉讼撤案制度,应当在坚持控权模式的基础上,扩大中止侦查适用的范围,解决证据不足案件的处置问题。同时,扩大检察机关不起诉裁量权的适用,解决刑事撤案分流轻微犯罪案件不足的问题。对于监察撤案制度,需要明确积极、充分调查原则,调查过程中不得中止调查,敦促积极调查,避免证据不足的撤案;在以事立案的案件中建立对被调查人的终止调查制度;强化撤案的内部制约制度和事后制约制度。 In China,the withdrawal of criminal proceedings completely different in concept pursuit and procedural structure,the same as supervision.The withdrawal of criminal proceedings is manifested as a control mode,with the goal of preventing the power abuse and discovering the truth.Remove the power of withdraw cases of minor crimes and insufficient evidence.Meanwhile,with heavy proof standards,strict procedures of investigation termination,no time limit for handling cases and adequate supervision and relief procedures.However,investigations without a time limit degrade efficiency and impair the criminal suspect’s right to a prompt trial;the inability to divert cases in a timely manner makes it difficult to deal with so many minor cases.In order to achieve the goal of supervision system reform,The withdrawal of supervision is a centralized model,giving the power to withdraw cases with insufficient evidence.Even if it constitutes a crime,it can be turned into a governmental punishment like“withdrawal”,time limited supervision,expanded to illegal withdraw cases,lack of independent supervision withdrawal system,the power is centralized by the supervisory organs independent exercise,excluding external constraints.It is understandable that the two different models serve different functions and goals,but we should check and fill in the gaps,and take institutional improvement as the direction of reform.On the basis of adhering to the control mode,expanding the scope of suspending investigation system to handling cases with insufficient evidence.For minor crimes cases,discretion not to prosecute will be to solve the problem of triage of minor crimes by procuratorate the application of the Prosecutor’s discretion not to prosecute.For the supervision withdrawal system,it is necessary to clarify the principle of timely and sufficient investigation,shall not be suspended during the investigation process,which aim at being urged to avoid the withdrawal of cases due to insufficient evidence;Regulate the phenomenon of indirect dismissal from the transformation of duty crimes to duty violations;build a strong internal examination and approval system.
作者 谢小剑 Xie Xiaojian
出处 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第11期121-134,共14页 Law Science
基金 江西省社会科学基金重点项目“犯罪结构变化视野下‘少捕慎捕慎押’制度的完善”(编号:21FX01)的阶段性成果。
关键词 刑事撤案 监察撤案 案件分流 监察体制 criminal withdrawal case supervision withdrawal case case diversion supervision system
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