

Effect of solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg-4.8Al-2.7Ca-0.4Mn alloy
摘要 采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线能谱仪、X射线衍射仪、硬度测试及拉伸性能测试等手段分别研究了铸态Mg-4.8Al-2.7Ca-0.4Mn合金固溶处理前后的组织演变及力学性能。结果表明,铸态Mg-4.8Al-2.7Ca-0.4Mn合金的微观组织中,α-Mg相呈现典型的枝晶形态,枝晶间分布着大量在凝固过程中形成的Al_(2)Ca相;固溶处理对第二相的形貌有显著影响,随着固溶时间的增加,枝晶偏析减弱,Al_(2)Ca相从网状分布演变为多边形或细块状;经500℃固溶4 h,合金具有较好的综合拉伸性能,抗拉强度、屈服强度及伸长率分别达到222.0 MPa、182.5 MPa和4.5%。 Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of as-cast and solution treated Mg-4.8 Al-2.7 Ca-0.4 Mn alloy were investigated by means of optical microscope,scanning electron microscope,X-ray energy spectrometer,X-ray diffractometer,hardness test and tensile property test,respectively.The results show that theα-Mg phase in the microstructure of as-cast Mg-4.8 Al-2.7 Ca-0.4 Mn alloy presents typical dendrite morphology,and a large amount of Al_(2)Ca phases formed during solidification are distributed among dendrites.The solution treatment has a significant influence on the morphology of second phases.With the increase of solution treatment time,the dendrite segregation is weakened,and the Al_(2)Ca phase changes from reticular distribution to polygonal or fine blocky.The alloy solution treated at 500℃ for 4 h exhibits good comprehensive tensile properties,with the tensile strength of 222.0 MPa,the yield strength of 182.5 MPa,and the elongation of 4.5%.
作者 王金伟 周吉学 唐守秋 吴建华 张琳琳 庄海华 马百常 Wang Jinwei;Zhou Jixue;Tang Shouqiu;Wu Jianhua;Zhang Linlin;Zhuang Haihua;Ma Baichang(Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory for High Strength Lightweight Metallic Materials,Advanced Materials Institute,Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences),Jinan Shandong 250014,China;Shandong Scicom Group Co.,Ltd.,Jinan Shandong 250014,China;Shandong Shankezhimei New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.,Jinan Shandong 250014,China)
出处 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期59-63,共5页 Heat Treatment of Metals
基金 山东省重点研发计划(国际科技合作)(2019GHZ019) 济南市高校院所科研人员创业计划(2021GXRC126)。
关键词 固溶处理 Mg-4.8Al-2.7Ca-0.4Mn合金 Al_(2)Ca相 显微组织 力学性能 solution treatment Mg-4.8Al-2.7Ca-0.4Mn alloy Al_(2)Ca phase microstructure mechanical properties
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