
2018年云南省保山市青华海国家湿地公园水生昆虫群落多样性 被引量:3

Diversity of Aquatic Insect Communities in Qinghuahai National Wetland Park in Baoshan, Yunnan in 2018
摘要 于2018年7月17~27日和10月13~17日,在云南省保山市青华海国家湿地公园中,采用水网法,对6处河流和湖泊水体中的水生昆虫群落进行了调查,比较了不同水体中水生昆虫群落结构和多样性。研究结果表明,在6处水体采集的昆虫样品中,鉴定出6目16科49种水生昆虫;属于敏感类群的蜓科(Aeshnidae)、负子蝽科(Belostomatidae)和大蚊科(Tipulidae)水生昆虫主要分布在北庙湖、大田坝沼泽和青华湿地,负子蝽科水生昆虫的数量相对较多;属于一般耐污类群的伪蜻科(Corduliidae)、四节蜉科(Baetidae)、黾蝽科(Gerridae)、仰泳蝽科(Notonectidae)、纹石蛾科(Hydropsychidae)和蚋科(Simuliidae)水生昆虫分布在除了东湖和西湖以外的5处采样水体中,四节蜉科水生昆虫的数量相对较多;属于耐污类群的蟌科(Coenagrionidae)、蜻科(Libellulidae)、细蜉科(Caenidae)、划蝽科(Corixidae)、龙虱科(Dytiscidae)、水龟虫科(Hydrophilidae)和摇蚊科(Chironomidae)水生昆虫主要分布在东河和青华湿地的水体中,而且蟌科、划蝽科和摇蚊科水生昆虫的数量相对较多;青华湿地中水生昆虫群落的物种丰富度和Chao1丰富度估计量都最大,北庙湖、东河上游河段、大田坝沼泽、东河下游河段、东湖和西湖水生昆虫群落的物种丰富度和Chao1丰富度估计量依次减小;青华湿地水体中属于敏感类群的水生昆虫的多度、物种丰富度都最大,而且都显著大于东河上游河段;在50%的相似性水平上,只有东河上游河段与下游河段水体中的水生昆虫群落结构相似,其它采样水体中的水生昆虫群落结构都不相似。 Aquatic insect communities in the ponds, marshes, rivers and lakes in Qinghuahai National Wetland Park, Baoshan city, Yunnan province were investigated by using dipnet method in July 17-27 and October 13-17, 2018, and the structure and diversity of aquatic insect communities in different water bodies were compared. The results showed that samples collected from 6 water bodies belong to 49 species of 16 families,6 orders. Aeshnidae, Belostomatidae and Tipulidae belong to intolerant group, distributed mainly in Beimiao lake, Datianba marshes and Qinghua wetlands. And the number of Belostomatidae was relatively larger.Intermediate group included Corduliidae, Baetidae, Gerridae, Notonectidae, Hydropsychidae and Simuliidae,were distributed in 5 water bodies except East Lake and West Lake. Coenagrionidae, Libellulidae, Caenidae,Corixidae, Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae and Chironomidae belong to tolerant group, distributed mainly in the upper reach and downstream of Donghe River and Qinghua wetlands, and the number of Coenagrionidae,Corixidae, Chironomidae was relatively larger. The values of species richness and Chao1 richness estimator of aquatic insect communities in Qinghua wetlands were highest among 6 sites, the values of species richness and Chao1 richness estimator of aquatic insect communities in Beimiao Lake, the upper reach of Donghe River, Datianba marshes, downstream of Donghe River, East Lake and West Lake decreased successively. The abundance and species richness of aquatic insects belonging to sensitive groups in the Qinghua wetlands were the highest, which were significantly higher than those in the upper reach of Donghe River. At the 50%similarity level, the structures of aquatic insect communities of the upper reach and downstream of Donghe River were similar, while the structures of aquatic insect communities in other sampled waters were not similar.
作者 郑美仙 张翔 卢志兴 李静 林志文 周宗培 李巧 陈又清 ZHENG Meixian;ZHANG Xiang;LU Zhixing;LI Jing;LIN Zhiwen;ZHOU Zongpei;LI Qiao;CHEN Youqing(Key Laboratory for Conserving Wildlife with Small Populations in Yunnan,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,P.R.China;Institute of Highland Forest Science,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,P.R.China;Key Laboratory of Breeding and Utilization of Resource Insects of National Forestry and Grassland Administration,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,P.R.China;Longyang Sub-bureau,Baoshan Management and Protection Bureau of Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve in Yunnan,Baoshan 678000,Yunnan,P.R.China;Baoshan Forestry and Grassland Administration,Baoshan 678000,Yunnan,P.R.China;Beimiao Reservoir Administration in Longyang District,Baoshan,Baoshan 678000,Yunnan,P.R.China)
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期681-687,共7页 Wetland Science
基金 国家保山市林业和草原局委托项目(JSFW2018019) 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2021Y278) 云南省野生动植物保护与利用重点学科项目资助。
关键词 水生昆虫 多样性 青华海国家湿地公园 aquatic insects diversity Qinghuahai National Wetland Park
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