
跨文化教育思潮述评 被引量:5

A review of intercultural education
摘要 跨文化教育思潮是全球化时代文化多样性不断增强、世界教育民主化趋势日益加深、多元文化主义逐渐衰退的现实产物,它奠基于20世纪60年代欧洲国家的“外国人教育”,并在20世纪90年代联合国教科文组织等国际组织的大力倡导下席卷全球,对世界各国的教育理论、教育实践乃至整个人类社会的文化形态产生了深远影响。跨文化教育坚持以宽容、开放的态度对待不同群体的文化差异,基本主张包括:反对文化霸权与文化部落主义,倡导文化理解与文化共生;促进文化整合与文化交流,培养学习者的跨文化能力;全面加强课程设计,创建跨文化的学习情境;改进跨文化教学方式,推动多元主体动态合作;优化跨文化教育评价,合理选择评价形式与评价工具。跨文化教育思潮实现了对一元世界心态与异己性思维的超越,解决了“国家认同”与“族群认同”之间的矛盾对立,弥补了多元文化教育思潮的缺陷与不足。但是,作为一个产生不久的新思潮,跨文化教育也面临身份认定、认识论路线、方法论路线等方面的诸多质疑。 Intercultural education is a result of increasing cultural diversity in the era of globalization,deepening democratization of education,and declining multiculturalism.Intercultural education was rooted in the"foreigner education"of European countries in the 1960s,and spread to other parts of the world due to active advocacy of international organizations such as UNESCO in the 1990s,producing a profound impact on education theories,practices,and the cultural form of the human society.Intercultural education takes a tolerant and open approach to cultural differences.Its basic propositions include:opposing cultural hegemonism and cultural tribalism and advocating cultural understanding and cultural symbiosis;promoting cultural integration and cultural exchange and cultivating learners’intercultural competence;strengthening curriculum design and creating intercultural learning situations;improving intercultural teaching methods and encouraging dynamic cooperation among multiple subjects;and finally optimizing the evaluation of intercultural education and choosing appropriate forms and tools of evaluation.Intercultural education transcends the one-world mentality and the alien-mindset,resolves the conflict between"national identity"and"ethnic identity",and compensates for the shortcomings of multicultural education.However,as a new ideological trend,intercultural education faces queries about its identity recognition,epistemology and methodology.
作者 刘宝存 苟鸣瀚 Baocun Liu;Minghan Gou
出处 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 2022年第12期8-17,34,82,共12页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“‘一带一路’国家与区域教育体系研究”(项目编号:19JZD052)的研究成果。
关键词 跨文化教育 跨文化能力 文化多样性 世界教育民主化 文化差异 文化理解 文化整合 文化共生 intercultural education intercultural competence cultural diversity democratization of world education cultural differences cultural understanding cultural integration cultural symbiosis
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