
石首麋鹿保护区春季饲草生态特征研究 被引量:1

Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Forage Grass in Spring in Shishou Milu Nature Reserve
摘要 栖息地生态环境对麋鹿健康和种群保护具有重要意义,其中饲草群落状况对麋鹿容载量有直接影响。根据前期调查,对22种麋鹿可食的植物进行了样方调查,将其分为四大群落。采用物种多样性的分析方法、Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠值对多个植物群落中的植物进行了分析,结果表明:在狗牙根益母草群落中,狗牙根和益母草的重要值(分别为0.28和0.19)远大于其他植物,野灯芯草的生态位宽度(0.9193)明显高于其他植物;在马鞭草群落中,马鞭草的重要值最大(0.45),马鞭草和苍耳的生态位宽度最大(分别为0.305和0.270),说明这两种植物对资源环境的利用和适应能力最强;在李氏禾群落中,6种植物的生态位重叠值集中在0.8~1.0之间,其中乌蔹莓和李氏禾、葎草和风轮菜两对的生态位重叠程度较高(均为0.9999),生态位宽度以爵床的最大(0.9257),表明其对环境资源的利用能力较强;在紫花苜蓿群落中,紫花苜蓿的重要值最大(0.65),狗牙根的生态位宽度最大(0.663)。在保护区内,分布比较集中、生物量大的草本植物主要有狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers.)、益母草(Leonurus artemisia(Laur.)S. Y. Hu F)、李氏禾(Leersia hexandra Swartz.)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)、马鞭草(Verbena officinalis L.)和葎草(Humulus scandens(Lour.)Merr.),草本群落经过近5年演替,最为明显的变化是狗牙根葎草群落演变为狗牙根益母草群落。 The habitat ecological environment is of great significance to the health and population protection of David’s deer, among which the forage community has a direct effect on the capacity and capacity of David’s deer. According to the previous survey, a square survey was conducted on 18 species of edible plants of David’s deer, and the plants in multiple plant communities were analyzed by using Levins niche width index and Pianka niche overlap value. The results showed that: in the community of Herba dododa, the importance values of Herba dododa and Herba dododa were much higher than those of other plants(0.28 and 0.19,respectively),and the niche width of Herba dododa was significantly higher than that of other plants(0.9193);in the community of Leersiahexandra Swartz, the niche overlap values of the six species ranged from 0.8 to 1,among which the Japanese Ampelopsis ratiratia and Herba lifera, Humulus scandens and Humulus scandens had a higher degree of niche overlap(0.9999 for both pairs),and the niche width of Ampelopsis ratiratia was the largest(0.9257),which indicated that Ampelopsis ratiratia had a stronger ability to use environmental resources;in the reserve, the herbaceous plants with relatively concentrated distribution and large biomass mainly included Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers.,Leonurus artemisia(Laur.)S. Y. Hu F,Leersiahexandra Swartz and Humulus scandens(Lour.)Merr, the herbaceous community evolved from Humulus scandens community to Leonurus scandens community after five years of succession.This study also carried out the determination of the crude protein content and the calculation of the total amount of the forage mainly eaten by the elk, which has important value for further research on the environmental carrying capacity of the reserve.
作者 丁钰菏 杨涛 张玉铭 李鹏飞 朱建强 Ding Yuhe;Yang Tao;Zhang Yuming;Li Pengfei;Zhu Jianqiang(College of Agriculture,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,China)
机构地区 长江大学农学院
出处 《草学》 2022年第6期52-60,67,共10页 Journal of Grassland and Forage Science
基金 湖北省环保科技项目(2017HB10)资助。
关键词 植物群落 生态位宽度 生态位重叠 重要值 物种多样性 石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区 plant community niche width niche overlap important value species diversity Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve
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