
二级医院医务人员患者安全文化认知与不良事件上报态度的相关性 被引量:3

Correlation between patients’safety culture cognition and medical staffs’attitude towards medical adverse event reporting in secondary hospitals
摘要 目的了解医务人员患者安全文化和不良事件上报态度现状,探讨安全文化对上报态度影响。方法便利取样一所二级综合性医院538名在院职工,发放一般人口学资料、中文版临床不良事件上报态度量表和医院患者安全文化调查量表(HSOPSC)进行问卷调查。结果临床不良事件上报态度总均分(68.12±7.16)分,患者安全文化认知总均分(3.54±0.35)分,医务人员患者安全文化中涉及心理和认知内容的3维度与不良事件上报态度完全正相关,其余维度存在部分正相关。结论医务人员患者安全文化水平影响其对不良事件重视程度和事件的最终上报情况。 Objective To survey status quo of patients’safety culture and medical staffs’,to explore the influence of safety culture on reporting attitude.Methods The general demographic data were conveniently sampled from 538 medical staffs in a secondary general hospital.A questionnaire survey was conducted using the Chinese version of the reporting of clinical adverse effects scale(RoCAES)and hospital patient safety culture questionnaire(HSOPSC).Results The total mean score of attitude towards medical adverse event reporting was(68.12±7.16),and the total mean score of patient safety culture cognition was(3.54±0.35).The three dimensions of psychological and cognitive content in medical staffs’and patients’safety culture cognition were positively correlated with attitude towards medical adverse event reporting,while the other dimensions were partially positively correlated.Conclusion The level of awareness of medical staffs’and patients’safety culture cognition affects their attention to adverse events,as well as the final reporting of events.
作者 李兆辉 陈杰 冀梅竹 张继宾 张会刚 LI Zhaohui;CHEN Jie;JI Meizhu(Office of the Sixth People’s Hospital of Hengshui,Hebei,Hengshui 053200,China)
出处 《河北医药》 CAS 2022年第21期3338-3340,3344,共4页 Hebei Medical Journal
基金 河北省医学科学研究课题计划(编号:20221507)。
关键词 医务人员 患者安全文化 不良事件 上报态度 medical staff patient safety culture adverse event reporting attitude
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