

Relationship between SH2B adaptor protein 1 gene and lifestyles with childhood obesity
摘要 目的 研究中国儿童人群中SH2B接头蛋白1基因(SH2B adaptor protein 1 gene,SH2B1)rs7498665多态性与肥胖及相关表型的关联,为探讨生活方式对该多态性与肥胖关系的影响提供依据。方法 选取北京市3 305名7~18岁儿童青少年进行身体测量和生活方式问卷调查。利用基质支持的激光释放/电离飞行时间质谱分析法对rs7498665多态性进行分型。采用多元Logistic回归和线性回归方法分析全部人群及不同饮食、运动水平下该基因多态性与肥胖及相关表型的相关性。结果 在非健康膳食摄入、不是每天吃早餐、经常摄入含糖饮料、不是每天进行中高强度体育锻炼情况下,rs7498665多态性G等位基因与肥胖存在相关性,肥胖风险分别升高37%,101%,45%和64%(P值均<0.05)。对不同生活方式进行综合评价,rs7498665多态性只在非健康生活方式组的人群中与肥胖发生有关(OR=1.63,95%CI=1.23~2.17,P<0.01)。分析肥胖相关表型发现相同趋势的结果,该位点与综合生活方式存在交互作用(P基因×生活方式<0.05)。结论 SH2B1基因rs7498665多态性与肥胖易感的非健康生活方式对儿童肥胖及相关表型存在相互作用。 Objective To study the associations of rs7498665 polymorphism located in the SH2B adaptor protein 1 gene with obesity-related phenotypes in Chinese children and adolescents, and to explore the gene-lifestyles interactions. Methods Anthropometric measurements and lifestyles investigation were conducted in 3 305 children and adolescents aged 7-18 years old recruited from Beijing. The matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS) was used to genotype rs7498665 polymorphism. Multiple Logistic and linear regressions were performed to analyze the associations of rs7498665 with obesity and obesity related phenotypes by different levels of physical activity and diet behavior. Results The G-allele of rs7498665 polymorphism showed 37%, 101%, 45% and 64% high risk of obesity in population groups with unhealthy dietary intake, not eating breakfast daily, high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages or not daily moderate to vigorous physical activity(P<0.05). In the further analysis, the G-allele of rs7498665 polymorphism was associated with obesity in population with unhealthy lifestyle score(OR=1.63, 95%CI=1.23-2.17, P<0.01). There were similar results with obesity related phenotypes, with the gene-comprehensive lifestyle behaviors interactions were significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The present study suggests the interactive effect of rs7498665 polymorphism located in the SH2B1 and unhealth lifestyle on childhood obesity and related phenotypes.
作者 宋洁云 宋绮莹 王辉 王海俊 SONG Jieyun;SONG Qiying;WANG Hui;WANG Hajun(Institute of Child and Adolescent Health,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China;不详)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第11期1626-1629,1633,共5页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81973053)。
关键词 基因 行为 肥胖症 回归分析 儿童 Genes Behavior Obesity Regression analysis Child
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