

The Inertial Potential of Involution in the Field of Basic Education in the “Post-burden-reduction Era” and the Path of De-embedding——An Analysis Based on Social Embedding Theory
摘要 “双减”政策颁布后,我国基础教育步入“后减负时代”。教育内卷化现象得到了一定程度的控制,但同时仍有较大的惯性势能,并呈现出新的表现形式:课后辅导职能回归学校,内卷或从校外走向校际;变相补课难以治理,内卷逐步转入地下;素质教育补习成为新风向,制造出新的内卷形式。运用社会嵌入理论对教育内卷化展开剖析,发现形成教育内卷的原因主要包括文化认同、制度规范、个体认知及社会关系等4个方面。在此基础上,从家庭、学校、政府和社会四个层面有针对性地提出缓解教育内卷化的策略:匡正家长不科学的教育理念;强化学校教育主阵地,为学校教育增质提效;建立健全以立德树人为依托的教育评价体系;凝聚社会共识,探索家庭、学校和社会协同育人模式。 Since the promulgation of the “double reduction” policy, China’s basic education has entered the “post-burden-reduction era”. The phenomenon of educational involution has been stifled to a certain extent, but at the same time there is still a large potential for inertia and new forms of expression have emerged. After-school tutoring functions return to schools, and involution has moved from out of school to inter-school. The phenomenon of disguised tuition is difficult to manage, and involution gradually goes underground. Quality education tuition becomes the new trend, creating new forms of involution. By using social embedding theory to analyze educational involution, it is found that the formation of educational involution lies in four aspects including cultural identity, institutional norms, individual perceptions and social relationships. On this basis, the following strategies are proposed to ease educational involution on four levels from the family, the school, the government and the society, including correcting parents’ unscientific educational philosophy, strengthening the main position of school education to enhance the quality and efficiency of school education, establishing a sound educational evaluation system based on fostering virtue through education, and gathering social consensus to explore the model of collaborative education among the family, the school and the society.
作者 汪桠如 韦吉飞 WANG Yaru;WEI Jifei(Faculty of Education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《成都师范学院学报》 2022年第12期65-70,共6页 Journal of Chengdu Normal University
基金 全国教育科学“十四五”规划2022年度课题“现代职业教育赋能乡村产业振兴的长效机制与政策研究”(BFA220179)。
关键词 “双减”政策 教育内卷 社会嵌入理论 教育焦虑 学习负担 学生减负 基础教育 “double reduction”policy educational involution social embedding theory educational anxiety academic burden reducing the burden on students basic education
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