
油电混合机械液压式拖拉机动力系统节能性 被引量:6

Energy saving characteristics of the mechanical hydraulic tractor power system with oil electric hybrid power
摘要 针对大马力拖拉机在道路运输与田间作业过程中由于工况复杂、作业环境恶劣导致油耗高、节能效果差的问题,该研究采用油电混合动力匹配液压机械无级变速器(Hydro-Mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission,HMCVT)的方式,设计了一种油电混合—机液复合拖拉机动力系统,探讨了该系统的驱动模式与传动方式的实现原理并得到液压机械无级变速器的调速曲线;建立了动力系统的数学模型。为实现动力系统最佳性能,制定了整车控制架构,在此基础上提出HMCVT经济性速比控制策略、基于规则的工作模式划分策略和基于自适应等效因子的燃油消耗最小功率分配策略。为验证所提控制策略的可行性,在SimulationX仿真软件中建立系统动力学仿真模型,并基于测功机搭建试验台架进行测试,分别对拖拉机在犁耕、收获和运输3个典型工况下进行仿真与试验。结果表明,所设计的控制策略能够兼顾混合动力源的最佳扭矩分配与电池电量平衡,且动力系统能保持较高的系统效率(0.4以上),犁耕、收获和运输3个工况下油耗仿真值(2.59、6.56和1.69L)与试验值(2.72、6.80和1.77L)的误差均不超过5%,模型可靠。与德国农业协会公布的相近功率动力换挡拖拉机和无级变速拖拉机油耗数据相对比,该研究所提的控制策略在3种工况下节油9%~20%。研究结果可为多工况作业条件下降低拖拉机能耗提供解决方案。 A tractor is a typical representative of power machinery in agricultural production.Two working conditions of tractors include road transportation and field operation.These working conditions can also be subdivided into plowing,rotary tillage,and fertilization,according to the carried agricultural implements.However,there are high oil consumption and low energy-saving in tractors,where the external load fluctuates frequently,as the working environment changes.Furthermore,a large number of gears have been equipped and frequently shifted to fully meet the needs of different working conditions in the traditional tractors,leading to the difficulty of tractor operation.In this study,a hybrid-mechanical-hydraulic power system was designed for a tractor using continuously variable transmission and hybrid power technology.The driving and transmission modes of the system were realized to obtain the speed regulation curve of the continuously variable transmission.The mounted hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission(HMCVT)was also optimized for the best performance of the power system.Taking the engine economy curve as the target,the economic speed ratio map of HMCVT was drawn by the MATLAB platform.The target speed ratio was then obtained,according to the vehicle speed and throttle opening.As such,a speed ratio control strategy was formulated using the engine economy curve.Moreover,an energy management strategy was constructed using the minimum equivalent fuel consumption.The equivalent factor was integrated into the working division using the logic threshold.The penalty function was then introduced to maintain the battery State of Charge(SOC)stability.A strategy was designed for the rule-based mode division and the minimum fuel consumption power allocation using the adaptive equivalent factor.Specifically,the vehicle speed,demand torque,battery SOC,and speed ratio were firstly used as the logic threshold for the mode division,and then the minimum instantaneous equivalent fuel consumption was used as the objective function.Finally,the corresponding constraint conditions were introduced to calculate the minimum fuel for the engine and motor at any moment.The dynamic model of the tractor system was established in the SimulationX software.A test bench was also built using a dynamometer.The simulation and experimental analysis of the tractor were performed on the three typical working conditions of plowing,harvesting,and transportation.The results showed that the error between the simulation and test value was less than 5%,indicating a reliable model.The HMCVT efficiency was above 0.80 under the three working conditions,whereas,the efficiency of the whole power system was around 0.4.The SOC values were achieved at+1.96,-0.37,and-0.19 at the end of the plowing,harvesting,and transportation,respectively,indicating near the target value.The fuel consumption values were 2.72,6.80,and 1.77 L in the plowing,harvesting,and transportation,respectively.Therefore,the 18%and 15%oil consumption was saved under the power output condition,compared with the power shift tractor,and the continuously variable transmission tract published by the German Agricultural Association,respectively.By contrast,15%and 19%of the oil were saved under the transportation condition,compared with the power shift tractor,and the continuously variable transmission tractor,respectively.The 9%-20%fuel was also saved under three working conditions,indicating the feasible power system and the control strategy.The finding can provide a better solution to reduce the tractor energy consumption under multi-working conditions.
作者 朱镇 赖龙辉 王登峰 陈龙 蔡英凤 Zhu Zhen;Lai Longhui;Wang Dengfeng;Chen Long;Cai Yingfeng(Automotive Engineering Research Institute,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control,Jilin University,Changchun 130025,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第17期52-60,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室开放基金项目(20201201) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52272435,52225212,U20A20333,U20A20331,51875255) 江苏省六大人才高峰项目(2018-TD-GDZB-022)。
关键词 拖拉机 混合动力 液压机械无级变速器 等效因子 节能 tractor hybrid power hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission equivalent factor energy saving
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