
全功率变频抽水蓄能机组在局部电网应用模拟分析 被引量:1

Application Simulation of Full Size Converter-Fed Variable Speed Pumped Storage Unit in Local Grid
摘要 由于常规的抽水蓄能电站发电机组大多是定速机组,不能适应未来以新能源为主体的新型电力系统迅速、准确调节要求。采用全功率变频技术,可以有效地改善电力系统的运行灵活性,并提升新能源消纳。本文通过在局部电网中进行全功率变频抽水蓄能机组应用模拟分析,研究全功率变频抽蓄机组作用。 Because most of the generator units of conventional pumped storage power stations are constant speed units,they can not meet the requirements of rapid and accurate mediation of new power system with new energy as the main body in the future.Using full power frequency conversion technology can effectively improve the operation flexibility of power system and improve the consumption of new energy.Through the simulation analysis of the application of full size converter-fed variable speed pumped storage unit in local power grid,this paper studies the function of full power frequency conversion pumped storage unit.
作者 叶宏 孙平 王婷婷 梁国辉 毕旭 李赫明 康旭 YE Hong;SUN Ping;WANG Tingting;LINAG Guohui;BI Xu;LI Heming;KANG Xu(State Grid Xinyuan Company Ltd,Beijing 100761,China;PowerChina Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited,Beijing 100024,China;State Grid XinYuan Company Ltd Panjiakou Pumped Storage Power Station,Tangshan city,064309,China)
出处 《水电与抽水蓄能》 2022年第6期1-4,31,共5页 Hydropower and Pumped Storage
关键词 新能源 抽水蓄能机组 全功率变频 new energy pumped storage unit full power frequency conversion
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