
柳国斌基于治未病思想治疗下肢静脉性溃疡经验 被引量:1

LIU Guobin’s Experience in Treating Venous Ulcers of Lower Extremities Based on Thought of Preventive Treatment of Diseases
摘要 下肢静脉性溃疡为下肢静脉疾病的终末期临床表现,有癌变致残的风险。柳国斌教授认为本病以湿、瘀、虚为主,虚实夹杂,缠绵难愈。提出运用中医治未病思想治疗下肢静脉性溃疡,主要分为未病阶段、欲病阶段、既病阶段、瘥后阶段四个阶段,注重不同阶段正邪、虚实、湿热瘀毒的消长变化,重视脾胃的化生功能,从而达到扶正祛邪、祛瘀生新、生肌长肉的目的。以自拟复原通络方化裁分阶段论治,临床疗效显著。附验案1则。 Venous ulcer of lower extremity is the end-stage clinical manifestation of venous diseases of lower extremity,which has the risk of cancer and disability.Professor LIU Guobin believes that the disease is mainly due to dampness,stasis and deficiency,which is intermingled deficiency and excess,the disease is lingering and difficult to heal.Professor LIU proposes to apply the thought of preventive treatment of diseases in treating venous ulcer of lower extremity and divides the disease into four stages:pre-disease stage,the coming disease stage,the disease course stage and post-disease stage.Professor LIU pays attention to the change of healthy qi and pathogens,the state of deficiency and excess,dampness,heat,stasis and poison in different stages.He attaches importance to the transporting and transforming function of the spleen and stomach system,so as to achieve the goal of strengthening body resistance and eliminating pathogens,removing blood stasis to promote tissue regeneration and generating muscle.The treatment of self-designed modified Fuyuan Tongluo Formula(复原通络方)has a remarkable clinical effect in treatment by stages.One tested case is attached.
作者 原倩 樊炜静 YUAN Qian;FAN Weijing(Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 200023,China)
出处 《山东中医杂志》 2023年第1期72-75,83,共5页 Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:81804095) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:81804096) 浦东新区卫生健康委员会浦东名中医培养计划项目(编号:PWRzm2020-18)。
关键词 下肢静脉性溃疡 治未病 柳国斌 复原通络方 未病阶段 欲病阶段 既病阶段 瘥后阶段 venous ulcer of lower extremity preventive treatment of diseases LIU Guobin Fuyuan Tongluo Formula pre-disease stage the coming disease stage the disease course stage post-disease stage
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