

Practical Research on the Social Network Analysis of Online and Offline Mixed Teaching
摘要 为提升线上线下混合教学效果,文章将社会网络分析法应用于《概率论与数理统计》教学实践中。根据实验班咨询关系构建班级成员之间的关联网络,运用Ucinet 6.5软件分析班级网络的基本属性,深度挖掘学情信息;分析网络的中心性,发现需要重点关注的学生;分析网络的块模型,为科学分组教学提供依据。教学效果显示,实验班级平均成绩明显高于对照班,而且成绩总体上相对比较稳定,验证了引入新课程教学方法的有效性。实践研究表明,社会网络分析方法在辅助该课程线上线下混合教学、开展“以学生为中心”的教学模式方面可发挥重要作用。 To improve the efficacy of online and offline mixed teaching,this paper applies social network analysis to the practice of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics.According to the consultation relationship of the experimental class,it sets up the network among the class members by using the Ucinet 6.5 software to analyze the basic attributes of the class network and explore the learning information in depth.It analyzes the centrality of the network to identify students’special attention,thus seeking the block model of network to provide the basis for scientific group teaching.The teaching result shows that the average score of the experimental class is significantly higher than that of the control class,and the score is relatively stable on the whole,which verifies the effectiveness of introducing the new curriculum teaching method.The practical research shows that the social network analysis can contribute to the online and offline mixed teaching of this course and developing the“student-centered”teaching mode.
作者 黄仁全 王娟娟 Renquan HUANG;Juanjuan WANG(School of Economics and Finance,Xi’an International Studies University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710128)
出处 《中国教育信息化》 2022年第12期112-118,共7页 Chinese Journal of ICT in Education
关键词 社会网络分析 线上线下混合教学 翻转课堂 咨询网络 实验班 对照班 Social network analysis Online and offline mixed teaching Flipped classroom Consulting network Experimental class Control class
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