
基于参考价格效应的两周期制造/再制造系统产品定价策略 被引量:1

Impact of reference price effect on pricing decisions in two-period manufacturing/remanufacturing system
摘要 围绕原始设备制造商(OEM)再制造与第三方再制造商(TPR)再制造的两种模式,在考虑消费者对新品具有参考价格效应基础上,运用优化和博弈理论探究了两周期制造/再制造系统的最优(均衡)定价策略与成员利润,结合数理推导和算例仿真分析了参考价格因子和消费者再制造品偏好的影响,结果表明:①由于参数设置不同,在两种再制造模式下均可能出现第二期再制造量受到与不受第一期销量限制的两种情况,但无论参数如何取值,当参考价格效应增强时,TPR模式下的OEM和TPR将分别获益和亏损;OEM(TPR)模式下的OEM将始终从消费者偏好的提高中获益(亏损);②在OEM模式下,若新品生产成本和消费者偏好给定,则当再制造量不受限或仅在参考价格因子的部分区间内受限时,OEM始终可从参考价格效应的增强中获益;而当再制造量完全受限时,OEM利润随参考价格效应的增强先减后增;③在TPR模式下,当再制造量不受限时,若满足参考价格因子低于相应阈值,则TPR可从更高的消费者偏好中获益;相反若参考价格因子高于其阈值,TPR利润随消费者偏好的增加先增后减。当再制造量受限时,绝大多数情况下TPR利润均随消费者偏好的增加而提高,但若新品生产成本处于中等水平且OEM能够最大程度地利用参考价格效应时,消费者偏好的增加反而损害了TPR利益,该结论与无参考价格效应时的研究结论存在显著不同。 Evolving around two remanufacturing modes in a two-period manufacturing/remanufacturing system with Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM)remanufacturing and Third-Party Remanufacturer(TPR)remanufacturing,based on the consumers Reference Price Effect(RPE)for new products,the optimization theory and game theory were utilized to investigate the optimal(equilibrium)pricing decisions and members profits,and the influences of RPE and consumers preference for remanufactured products were analyzed by mathematical derivation and numerical simulation.The conclusions showed that there might be two scenarios:the quantity of remanufactured products in the second period was subject to or not subject to the sales restriction in the first period under both modes owing to the different parameter settings.No matter which values the parameters were,when the RPE was enhanced,OEM and TPR would gain and had a loss in TPR mode respectively.The OEM would always benefit(suffer a loss)from the increase of consumers preference in OEM(TPR)remanufacturing mode.Under OEM remanufacturing mode,if the cost of new product and consumer preference were given,OEM could always benefit from the enhancement of RPE when the remanufacturing quantity in the second period was not restricted by the new products in the first period or only constrained within the partial range of the reference price factor;when the remanufacturing quantity was wholly restricted,the profit of OEM would decrease first and then increase with the enhancement of the reference price effect.Under TPR remanufacturing mode,when the remanufacturing quantity was not constrained,if the reference price factor was lower than a certain threshold,TPR could benefit from higher consumer preference;on the contrary,the profit of TPR would increase first and then decrease in consumer preference.When the remanufacturing quantity was constrained,in most cases the profit of TPR would increase in consumer preference.However,when the cost of new product was in the medium level and OEM could make the most of the reference price effect,the increase in consumer preference would harm the benefit of TPR,which was significantly different from the conclusions without RPE.
作者 尉爽华 孙浩 WEI Shuanghua;SUN Hao(School of Business,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China)
机构地区 青岛大学商学院
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期4022-4039,共18页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71974104) 教育部人文社会科学研究资助项目(17YJC630130),山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2017MG015)。
关键词 制造/再制造系统 两周期 参考价格效应 定价策略 manufacturing/remanufacturing system two-period reference price effect pricing decisions
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