
摘除茶花对白化茶树春茶产量及生化成分的影响研究 被引量:4

Effects of Flower Removal on the Yield and Biochemical Components of Spring Albino Tea
摘要 在‘白叶一号’‘黄金芽’和‘黄金叶’等白化茶树品种的生产茶园中,茶树开花量过多的现象十分突出。本试验在贵州省内黔北茶区、黔西茶区和黔南茶区的6个试验茶园中分别调查了‘白叶一号’‘黄金芽’和‘黄金叶’的花蕾数量和茶花生物量,并探索秋冬季摘盛开花朵、摘露白花蕾、摘尽幼小花蕾等3个摘花处理对次年春茶产量和生化成分的影响。结果显示,‘白叶一号’‘黄金芽’和‘黄金叶’的花蕾数量分别为9.51×10^(5)~1.28×10^(6)个/667 m^(2)、6.32×10^(5)个~9.06×10^(5)个/667 m^(2)和1.11×10^(5)个/667 m^(2);以盛开花朵计,‘白叶一号’‘黄金芽’和‘黄金叶’的茶花生物量分别为41.0~129.3 kg/667 m^(2)、50.4~63.6 kg/667 m^(2)和72.8 kg/667 m^(2);秋冬季茶花生物量高达春季茶叶生物量的1.27~3.79倍。秋冬季摘幼蕾处理和摘花朵处理分别使春茶产量较对照(不摘花处理)增加13.8%~70.6%和2.4%~25.9%,摘露白处理也使部分试验茶园的春茶产量略高于对照或与对照持平。摘花处理促进春茶产量增加,主要由于单穴芽数增加,其次是由于百芽重增加。在3个摘花处理下,‘白叶一号’和‘黄金芽’的春茶生化成分与对照无显著差异或优于对照。表现在‘白叶一号’在3个摘花处理下的春茶水浸出物、游离氨基酸、茶多酚、咖啡碱和儿茶素等理化成分含量与对照无显著差异,以及‘黄金芽’在摘露白处理和摘幼蕾处理下春茶水浸出物含量和儿茶素含量分别显著高于对照,但3个摘花处理使‘黄金叶’的春茶游离氨基酸和儿茶素含量下降。本试验结果可为多花白化茶树品种的提质增产增效生产提供重要理论支撑。 It’s a common phenomenon that excessive flowers occurs in gardens of albino tea cultivars,including’Baiye No.1’,’Huangjinya’and’Huangjinye’.The number of flower buds and the biomass of tea flower per 667 m^(2) of’Baiye No.1’,’Huangjinya’and’Huangjinye’from 6 tea gardens which located in the north,the west and the south of Guizhou province were investigated,and the effects of flower removal on the yield and quality of spring tea were explored in this study.The results showed that the number of flower buds of’Baiye No.1’,’Huangjinya’and’Huangjinye’per 667 m^(2)were 39.51×10^(5)~1.28×10^(6),6.32×10^(5)~9.06×10^(5) and 1.11×10^(5),respectively.The flower biomass of’Baiye No.1’,’Huangjinya’and’Huangjinye’were 41.0~129.3 kg·667 m-2,50.4~63.6 kg·667 m-2 and 72.8 kg·667 m-2.The biomass of tea flower in autumn and winter were 1.27~3.79 times that of tea leaves in spring.Compared with the control,the treatment of picking young flower buds in autumn and winter increased the yield of spring tea by 13.8%~70.6%and 2.4%~25.9%,respectively.And the treatment of picking flower at later bud swelling and white petals forming stage also made the yield of spring tea slightly higher than or equal to the control.Flower removal treatments increased the yield of spring tea was mainly due to the increase of the number of bud leaves,and followed by the increase of the dry weight per bud.The biochemical components of spring tea in flower removal treatments were equal to the control treatment or even better than the control in’Baiye No.1’and’Huangjinya’.The content of chemical components in spring tea of’Baiye No.1’,such as water extract,free amino acid,tea polyphenol,caffeine and catechin of under three flower picking treatments,had no significant difference from the control,and the content of water extract and catechin in spring tea of’Huangjinya’under picking treatments were significantly higher than the control.However,the flower picking treatment reduced the content of free amino acid and catechin in spring tea of’Huangjinye’.The results of this study could provide important theoretical support for the quality improvement,yield increase and production efficiency increase of albino tea cultivars with excessive flowers.
作者 王静 石杨 张艳 董治军 曾廷廷 席亚楠 周顺珍 王家伦 WANG Jing;SHI Yang;ZHANG Yan;DONG Zhijun;ZENG Tingting;XI Yanan;ZHOU Shunzhen;WANG Jialun(Tea Resarch Institute,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guiyang 550006,China;Zunyi Comprehensive Test Station of National Tea Industry Technology System,Guiyang 550006,China;College of Tea Sciences,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;Guizhou Huanghongying Tea Co.,Ltd.,Wengan 550400,China;Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Wuchuan Gelao Miao Autonomous County,Zunyi 564300,China)
出处 《茶叶通讯》 2022年第4期464-471,共8页 Journal of Tea Communication
基金 贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合支撑[2020]1Y006号) 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-19) 黔农科院青年科技基金([2021]30号)。
关键词 白化茶树 茶花 春茶 产量 生化成分 Albino Tea Tea flower Spring tea Yield Biochemical components
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