

Does Subjective Class Identity Affect Residents'Online Shopping Behavior and Social Interaction?——An Empirical Analysis Based on CGSS2017
摘要 本文基于CGSS2017数据,将主观阶层认同,社交情况作为自变量,将户籍、受教育程度等作为控制变量,将网购行为频繁度和网购态度作为因变量,用stata软件分别建立ologit模型和logit模型分析不同群体的网购消费行为和对网购的态度。得出主观阶层认同越高、社交程度越高越容易产生高频网购行为的主要结论。 Based on CGSS2017 data,this paper used subjective class identity,social situation as independent variables,household registration and education level as control variables,and online shopping behavior frequency and online shopping attitude as dependent variables,and used stata software to establish Ologit model and Logit model to analyze online shopping consumption behavior and attitude toward online shopping of different groups,respectively.The main conclusion that the higher the subjective class identity and the higher the degree of socialization,the more likely to produce high-frequency online shopping behavior was drawn.
作者 杜芮冰 Ruibing Du(Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou,550004)
机构地区 贵州大学
出处 《管理科学与研究(中英文版)》 2022年第8期52-58,共7页 Management Science and Research
关键词 网购行为 主观阶层认同 社会交往 Online Shopping Behavior Subjective Class Identity Social Interaction
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