

Bargaining Power and Tariff Policy of Intermediate Goods
摘要 中间品国际贸易对全球贸易举足轻重。当前文献聚焦于最终品关税政策的研究,对中间品关税政策的模型研究关注不足。构建拥有一体化企业和中间品生产企业的D国和拥有依赖中间品进口才能完成生产的最终品生产企业的F国在第三国市场开展产量竞争的博弈模型,分析企业同时或先后进入市场时中间品生产企业的谈判势力对两国中间品关税政策的影响。研究发现:(1)无论企业是否同时进入第三国市场,一体化企业所在国家均会选择对中间品选择出口征税干预政策,其社会福利与企业进入顺序相关。当最终品生产企业先进入市场或一体化企业与最终品生产企业同时进入市场时,D国社会福利相较于自由贸易时得到优化,当一体化企业先进入市场时,D国社会福利遭到恶化,两国实行的贸易政策陷入“囚徒困境”。(2)当F国实行贸易干预时,中间品关税政策与企业进入顺序密切相关。当最终品生产企业先进入市场时,F国将对中间产品进口征税;当一体化企业先进入市场或双方同时进入市场时,若谈判势力相对较强,F国将实行征税,反之则会实行进口补贴。 International trade of intermediate goods plays an important role in global trade.The current literature focuses on the study of final product tariff policy,and the attention to the model of intermediate product tariff policy is insufficient.A game model is built,where country D owning an integrated firm and an intermediate goods manufacturer carry out the production market competition in a third country with another country F owning a final product manufacturer.The influence of intermediates production enterprise’s bargaining power on the tariff policy the enterprises at the same time or successively enter the market is analyzed.The findings are as follows:(1)No matter whether the enterprise simultaneously enters the market of a third country,the country where the integrated enterprise is located will choose the export tax intervention policy for intermediate products,and its social welfare is related to the entry order of the enterprise:When the final goods manufacturer enter the market first or the integrated enterprises and final goods manufacturers enter the market at the same time,the social welfare of country D is optimized compared with that of free trade.When the integrated enterprises enter the market first,the social welfare of country D is deteriorated,and the trade policies of the two countries fall into the“prisoner’s dilemma”.(2)When country F conducts trade intervention,the tariff policy of intermediate goods is closely related to the entry order of enterprises.When the final product manufacturer enters the market first,coconut F will tax the import of intermediate products.When integrated enterprises enter the market first or both parties enter the market at the same time,if the negotiating power is relatively strong,country F will implement the tax,otherwise,import subsidies will be implemented.
作者 龙剑军 LONG Jianjun(School of Management Science and Engineering,Chongqing Technology and Business University,Chongqing 400067,China)
出处 《科技和产业》 2022年第12期163-171,共9页 Science Technology and Industry
基金 重庆市社会科学规划培育项目(2019PY41) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0026) 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN202000832) 重庆工商大学高层次人才项目(1955046) 重庆工商大学科研项目(2151018)。
关键词 谈判势力 中间品贸易 关税政策 bargaining power intermediate goods trade tariff policy
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