

Exploring Ways to Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind:Functionalism and the 16+1 Cooperation
摘要 构建人类命运共同体是习近平新时代中国特色大国外交思想的重要内容,其终极目标是引领全人类建设一个互利合作、共享共赢的新世界。但是,构建人类命运共同体不可能是一蹴而就的,不仅要客观全面地向全世界宣传和解释构建人类命运共同体的主张,而且要积极主动地探索和尝试构建人类命运共同体的有效路径。因此,抓住“一带一路”建设的重要契机,针对当前构建人类命运共同体的现实困境,思索和探究构建人类命运共同体的有效路径,既能为推进构建人类命运共同体寻找突破口,也是推进新时代中国特色大国外交的重要着力点。 Building a community with a shared future for mankind is an essential element of Xi’s thinking on great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, with the ultimate goal of leading all mankind to build a new world of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. However, building a community with a shared future for mankind cannot be achieved overnight. Not only must the idea of building a community of human destiny be objectively and comprehensively promoted and explained to the world, but the effective path of building such a community must also be actively explored and tried. Therefore, seizing the critical opportunity of “One Belt, One Road”construction, pondering and exploring the effective path of building this community in response to the current dilemma can not only become a breakthrough in promoting the building of this community, but also become an essential focus point for promoting major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
作者 张丽 ZHANG Li(Shanxi Youth Vocational College,Taiyuan 030032,China)
出处 《山西青年职业学院学报》 2022年第3期46-51,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Youth Vocational College
关键词 人类命运共同体 功能主义 “一带一路”建设 “16+1合作” 合作真空 a community with a shared future for mankind functionalism “One Belt One Road”construction the 16+1 cooperation the vacuum of cooperation
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