
播种期、栽插密度、施钾量、施氮量对优质感光杂交稻金泰优明占产量和稻米品质的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Sowing Time, Planting Density, K Application Rate and N Application Rate on Yield and Rice Quality of High-quality Photosensitive Hybrid Rice Jintaiyoumingzhan
摘要 对不同播种期试验采用了单因素随机区组设计,测定了不同播种期的产量和稻米品质;对栽插密度、施钾量和施氮量3因素栽培试验采用了最优回归设计,选用“311A”方案,建立了3项栽培因素与产量和稻米品质指标的回归模型,分析了3项栽培因素对产量和稻米品质的影响。结果表明:(1)播种越早,产量越高,早播种的整精米率偏低,垩白度偏高;迟播种的整精米率低;适期播种的整精米率高,垩白度低,米质等级达部颁优质一等食用稻品质标准。(2)在海拔300 m以下地区作烟后稻种植,产量较高、品质优质的播种期为最迟安全齐穗播种期(5月28日)的5 d之内播种。(3)要保证稻米高产必须有适宜的栽插密度、施钾量、施氮量取值水平,取值偏低或过高都不利于高产,提高栽插密度和施氮量会降低整精米率;提高施钾量会提高垩白度;提高施氮量会降低直链淀粉含量;提高栽插密度和施氮量会降低胶稠度。综上所述,在海拔300 m以下地区作烟后稻种植,在最迟安全齐穗播种期(5月28日)的5 d之内播种产量较高、稻米品质最优,米质可达部颁优质一等食用稻品质标准。经模拟选优,栽插密度、施钾量、施氮量的取值范围分别为:栽插密度20.09万~27.90万丛/hm^(2),施K2O 96.80~155.79 kg/hm^(2),施纯氮106.92~155.72 kg/hm^(2),预测产量9180.30~9600.13 kg/hm^(2),米质达部颁优质一等食用稻品质标准。 The single-factor randomized block trial was designed in the experiment of different sowing time,and the yield and rice quality of different sowing time were measured.The optimal regression design was adopted in the planting density,K application rate and N application rate in the cultivation experiment,and the“311A”scheme was selected to establish the regression model among the three cultivation factors,the yield and rice quality indicators and analyze the influence of the three cultivation factors on the yield and rice quality.The results showed that:(1)The earlier the sowing,the higher the yield.The head rice rate and chalkiness of early sown rice are low.The head rice rate of late sown rice is low.The head rice rate of suitable sown rice is high,and the chalkiness is low.The rice quality grade reaches the quality standard of high-quality first-class edible rice issued by the Ministry.(2)For post-tobacco rice planting in areas below 300 m above sea level,the sowing time with high yield and quality is within 5 days after May 28 which is the latest safe sowing time for full heading.(3)There is a suitable level of planting density,K application rate and N application rate for high yield,and low or high values are not conducive to high yield.Increasing the planting density and N application rate will reduce the head rice rate.Increasing K application rate will increase chalkiness.Increasing N application rate will decrease the amylose content.Increasing the planting density and N application rate will reduce the gel consistency.In conclusion,for post-tobacco rice planting in areas below 300 m above sea level,the yield is higher.The quality of rice is the best within 5 days after May 28 which is the latest safe sowing time for full heading,and the quality of rice can reach the quality standard of high-quality first-class edible rice issued by the Ministry.The value range of the three measures for high yield and high quality is 200900~279000 clumps/hm^(2) for planting density,96.80~155.79 kg/hm^(2) for K2O application rate,106.92~155.72 kg/hm^(2) for pure N application rate,and the predicted yield is 9180.30~9600.13 kg/hm^(2).The rice quality reaches the quality standard of high quality first-class edible rice issued by the Ministry.
作者 雷伏贵 陈家银 陈建辉 饶鸣钿 乐开富 周元伟 曾德燎 傅文婷 LEI Fu-gui;CHEN Jia-yin;CHEN Jian-hui;RAO Ming-dian;LE Kai-fu;ZHOU Yuan-wei;ZENG De-liao;FU Wen-ting(Fujian Liusan Seeds Co.,Ltd.,Sanming 365050,China;Sanming Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Sanming 365050,China)
出处 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2022年第10期43-51,共9页 Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
基金 福建省科技厅星火计划项目“优质弱感光杂交水稻新品种金泰优明占制种技术熟化与配套栽培技术示范推广”(2020S0021)。
关键词 杂交稻 金泰优明占 播种期 栽插密度 施钾量 施氮量 产量 稻米品质 Hybrid rice Jintaiyoumingzhan Sowing date Planting density K application rate N application rate Yield Rice quality
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