

China’s Modernization in the Context of Global Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
摘要 全球抗疫是一次公平检验国家现代化的大考。西方科学技术最发达、经济实力最强的现代化国家,在长达两年时间里任由新冠疫情一次又一次地肆虐,成绩差得令人诧异。如果最发达的现代化国家在疫情下都不能保护人民生命健康,那现代化的意义何在?现代化的核心是“化”,重构与工业化新型生产力相匹配的政治、经济和社会制度。先发的西方国家现代化都可以“外化”,可以掠夺、殖民和建立不平等交易获得现代化需要的资源,而作为后发的中国现代化只能“内化”,脱胎换骨,革故鼎新。中国现代化是系统重构、制度再造,其内化的原理与中国古代哲人老子所言“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”相同——寻找到人间正道,有了1,后面的0会越来越多。中国抗疫所展示的超现代化水平,就是百年练就的内功的集中迸发。中国式的现代化是全面、深刻和与时俱进的现代“化”,正因为如此,中国式现代化意义非凡。 The global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has been a test for the modernization of each country.But over the past two years,even the most economically and technologically advanced countries in the West have failed to respond effectively to the pandemic.This calls into question the value of their mode of modernization,given the socio-economic development has not ensured the protection of people’s life and health during the pandemic.The core of modernization is to rebuild the political,economic and social institutions to accommodate the process of industrialization.In the past,many Western countries relied on external resources acquired through exploitation,colonization and unfair trade to achieve modernization.China,as a late-comer in modernization,can only find resources from within.China’s modernization focuses on the reconstruction of its institutions.The rationale behind China’s modernization is just like what Lao Zi said to the effect that once a right way is found by looking inward,more progress followed.China’s ultra-modern capabilities amply demonstrated in its COVID-19 response are a result of more than a hundred years of internal exploration.China’s modernization is a most comprehensive,thorough,and profound transformation that keeps pace with the times.In this sense,Chinese-style modernization is of great significance.
作者 李玲 Li Ling(Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《国家现代化建设研究》 2022年第1期125-142,共18页 Journal of Modernization Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“健全基本医疗卫生制度研究”(项目编号:20ZDA075)。
关键词 抗疫 新冠疫情 现代化 健康 Anti-epidemic COVID-19 Modernization Health
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