

A Brief Study of the Documents of the Post Stations in Tibet
摘要 吐蕃驿站对青藏高原历史文化发展发挥了重要作用,因此吐蕃驿站不仅成为研究青藏高原历史文化的一个重要内容,而且也是分析比较民族历史文化的关键文献材料。文章通过对敦煌古藏文文献中收藏保存的吐蕃驿站文献与五省区统编高中语文教材必修课文《古代藏族如何派遣驿卒》一文进行比较,指出了教材文章帅选存在严重的原文删减问题,并对有关吐蕃驿站地名、年代及驿站之间的距离进行了详细的考证。 Carefully exploring and studying the Tibetan post station collected in Tibetan historical documents is an important content of analyzing and studying the culture and history of Tibetan Plateau,and it is also the best way to re recognize and position the national history and culture.The post stations in Tibetan history plays the greatest role in the development process of the culture and history in Tibetan Plateau,and bears the main connotation of the plateau ethnic history and culture for many years.Therefore,the post stations in Tibetan history has become one of the important terms for the study of the culture and history in Tibetan Plateau,and has also become one of the key documents for the analysis and comparison of minority history and culture.Through the antithesis and comparison between the documents about the post stations of Tubo Period collected and preserved in Dunhuang ancient Tibetan documents and the article“how ancient Tibetans send post soldiers”in compulsory text of Chinese textbooks for senior middle schools,this paper points out that there is a serious problem of deleting the original text in the selection of Chinese textbooks for senior middle schools,and makes a detailed exposition and textual research on the place name,age and distance between the post stations during Tubo Period.
作者 索南多杰 Suo Nan Duo Jie(Education and Teaching Research of Hainan Prefecutre,Gonghe,Qinghai,813000)
出处 《青海民族大学学报(藏文版)》 2022年第2期85-92,共8页 Journal of qinghai minzu University:Tibetan Version
关键词 敦煌文献 驿站 驿卒 Dunhuang Literature post station courier
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