
Boundedness for a Class of Operators on Weighted Morrey Space with RD-measure

摘要 this paper,we study a class of sublinear operators and their commutators with a weighted BMO function.We first give the definition of a weighted Morrey space Lpo(X)where X is an RD-measure and w is the weight function.The weighted Morrey spaces arise from studying the local behavior of solutions to certain partial differential equations.We will show that the aforementioned class of operators and their communtators with a weighted BMO function are bounded in the weighted Morrey space LPpto(X)provided that the weight function w belongs to the Ap(μ)-class and satisfiesthereverseHolder'scondition.
出处 《Journal of Partial Differential Equations》 CSCD 2022年第4期395-408,共14页 偏微分方程(英文版)
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