
农业科技战略人才力量建设研究:内涵、需求与路径 被引量:1

Research on Building of Agricultural Science and Technology Strategic Talent:Connotation,Demand and Path
摘要 农业农村现代化关键在科技、在人才,农业科技战略人才是支撑引领农业高水平科技自立自强的主力军。中华人民共和国成立以来,我国农业科技人才队伍整体规模和实力发生了历史性变化。历史经验表明,农业科技战略人才力量建设一是要坚持战略科学家领军,发挥总揽全局的战略科学家的统筹引领作用;二是要坚持重大使命导向,生存和发展主题下的重大使命牵引是凝聚共识、汇聚力量、实现突破性创新的有效路径;三是坚持重大项目支撑,863计划、973计划等重大项目是战略人才成长的摇篮;四是坚持重大政策激励,采用举国体制、强化任务项目平台人才等一体化部署,通过体制机制创新,支撑保障主体任务的顺利完成。在新时代,实现农业农村现代化,需要进一步加快农业科技战略人才力量布局,从科技与人才的供需关系入手,探索统筹优化重大工程、平台、抓手、机制,打造适应农业科技创新发展需求的农业战略科学家、科技领军人才、青年科技人才和农业领域卓越工程师等关键人才队伍。 The key to agricultural and rural modernization lies in science and technology as well as talent.The agricultural science and technology strategic talent is the main force supporting and leading greater self-reliance in agricultural science and technology.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,there has been a historical change in the overall scale and strength of Chinese agricultural science and technology personnel.Historical experience shows that to build the strategic talent force of agricultural science and technology,we should adhere to the leadership of strategic scientists and give play to the overall planning and leading role of strategic scientists.Second,we should adhere to the major mission orientation.The major mission under the theme of survival and development is driven by an effective way to build consensus,pool strength and achieve breakthrough innovation.Third,we should adhere to the support of major projects.863 program,973 program and other major projects are the cradles of the growth of strategic talent.Fourth,we should adhere to major policy incentives,and adopt an integrated deployment with a nationwide system for strengthening personnel cultivation for task and project platforms.Through system and mechanism innovation,we support and ensure the smooth completion of the main tasks.In the new era,to realize the modernization of agriculture and rural areas,it is necessary to further accelerate the distribution of strategic talents in agricultural science and technology.Starting from the supply-demand relationship between science and technology and talent,we should explore the overall optimization of major projects,platforms,key pillars and mechanisms,and build a team of key talents such as agricultural strategic scientists,leading scientists,young scientists,and outstanding engineers in the field of agriculture to meet the needs of the innovation and development of agricultural science and technology.
作者 刘瑞明 马晶 李厥桐 王宏伟 Liu Ruiming;Ma Jing;Li Juetong;Wang Hongwei
出处 《中国人事科学》 2022年第12期28-35,共8页 Chinese Personnel Science
关键词 农业科技创新 战略人才力量 科技领军人才 卓越工程师 innovation of agricultural science and technology strategy personnel leading scientists outstanding engineers
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