
公用工程强制进化策略应用于换热网络优化 被引量:1

Utility forced evolution strategy applied to heat exchanger network optimization
摘要 采用强制进化随机游走算法优化换热网络过程中公用工程不直接参与进化,导致部分公用工程难以消去,阻碍结构进化。基于此,提出一种强制公用工程参与进化的策略。使公用工程以一定的概率按照不同方式参与进化,其换热量的大小可根据自身参与进化后的系统费用的变化情况所决定,不再受到流股上其他换热单元换热量的制约,增强了公用工程变化的灵活性,更有利于使其朝着有利于结构进化的方向发展。最后,将所提策略应用于2个不同规模的换热网络算例,所获得的结果均低于当前文献最优解,说明该策略能够有效消去对结构进化不利的公用工程,有利于增强网络结构进化能力,获得更优的换热网络设计。 In the process of optimizing the heat exchange network by using the Random Walk algorithm with Compulsive Evolution(RWCE), utility do not directly participate in the evolution, which makes it difficult to eliminate some utility and hinders the structural evolution. Based on this, a strategy for forcing utilities to participate in the evolution was proposed. Make utilities participate in the evolution in different ways with a certain probability, and the heat load can be determined according to the change of the system cost after participating in the evolution, and it is no longer restricted by the heat load of other heat exchange units on the stream, enhancing the flexibility of utility changes is more conducive to making it develop in a direction that is conducive to structural evolution. Finally, the proposed strategy is applied to two heat exchange network examples of different scales, and the obtained results are all lower than the optimal solution in the current literature. It indicates that the strategy can effectively eliminate the utility that are unfavorable to the structural evolution, and is conducive to strengthening the network structural evolution ability to obtain better heat exchange network design.
作者 张璐 段欢欢 崔国民 肖媛 杨其国 张冠华 ZHANG Lu;DUAN Huan-huan;CUI Guo-min;XIAO Yuan;YANG Qi-guo;ZHANG Guan-hua(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Power Engineering,School of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China;School of Energy and Intelligence Engineering,Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy,Zhengzhou 450000,Henan Province,China)
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期72-78,共7页 Chemical Engineering(China)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21978171,51976126) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2020M671171)。
关键词 换热网络 公用工程 消去障碍 结构进化 heat exchange network utilities remove obstacles structural evolution
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