
湖北省实景三维建设路线研究 被引量:5

Research on the Construction Route of 3D Real Scene in Hubei Province
摘要 实景三维是新型基础测绘产品的重要组成部分,湖北省已将实景三维建设作为省基础测绘十四五规划的重要内容。本文结合国家政策、湖北省基础测绘现状,分析了湖北省实景三维建设存在的优势与不足,还重点指出实景三维建设的重要意义。最后基于《实景三维中国建设技术大纲》的内容,从地形、城市、部件三个级别探讨了实景三维湖北的建设路线和思路,为实景三维湖北的建设提供了参考。 3D Real Scene is an important part of New Fundamental Surveying and Mapping products, and it has been an essential component of the 14th Five-Year Plan for Basic Surveying and Mapping in Hubei Province.Based on the national policy and the status quo, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of 3D real scene in Hubei Province, and explains the importance of it. Finally, based on the Technical Outline of 3D Real Scene in China, this paper analyzes the current situation of 3D real scene construction, research the construction route and ideas of 3D real scene in Hubei Province from the levels of terrain, city and components. The result can provide a reference for the construction of 3D real scene in Hubei Province.
作者 张莉 洪亮 薄立明 ZHANG Li;HONG Liang;BO Liming(Hubei Archives of Surveying and Mapping Production,Wuhan 430070,China;National Geographic Condition Monitoring Center of Hubei,Wuhan 430071,China;China Institute of Development Strategy and Planning,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
出处 《城市勘测》 2022年第6期15-18,共4页 Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 长江水利委员会长江科学院开放研究基金资助项目(CKWV2021864/KY) 湖北省地理国情监测中心项目(ZWWH-21ZC-FW170)。
关键词 实景三维 新型基础测绘 基础测绘体系 建设方案 3D real scene new fundamental surveying and mapping fundamental surveying and mapping system construction plan
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