

"New Higher Vocational Education" Movement Based on "Million Enrollment Expansion" of Higher Vocational Education: A Logical Review,Analytical Framework and Revaluation
摘要 由高职“百万扩招”开启的规模化高职社招是2019年始中央政府致力于教育民生工程的一项重大教育决策与重大教育事件,由此昭示出国家对于退役军人、下岗职工、农民工等群体继续教育的高度重视,及对于高职教育使命的信赖与期待。但遗憾的是,当学界的分析框架普遍拘囿于招生、资源与培养模式等现实困境的破解时,由此引发的事关高职更加深远、更加广泛的变革契机很有可能因此而被遮蔽与丧失。有鉴于此,应秉持新的问题观,且将其重置于比较、本土与自身三维“坐标”向度与教育迭代的情境中,研判出高职重建与“新高职”运动的未来图景;并在面向新时代的绸缪中,将该项运动引至应然的轨道。 The large-scale social recruitment of higher vocational education initiated by the "Million Enrollment Expansion" of higher vocational education is a major educational decision and major educational event of the central government on the project of education and livelihood since 2019, which shows that the country attaches great importance to the continuing education of ex-servicemen, laid-off workers, migrant workers, etc., as well as its trust and expectation for the mission of higher vocational education. But unfortunately, when the analysis framework of the academic community is generally limited to the solution of the practical difficulties such as enrollment, resources and training mode, the more far-reaching and broader reform opportunities related to higher vocational education caused by this are likely to be obscured and lost. In view of this, we should adhere to the new concept of problems, and reset it to the three-dimensional "coordinate" dimension and "educational iteration" situation of comparison, localization and itself, so as to study and judge the future prospect of higher vocational reconstruction and "new higher vocational" movement;and in the preparation for the new era, the movement is to be led to the right track.
作者 路宝利 LU Baoli(Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)
出处 《江苏高职教育》 2022年第5期1-11,16,共12页 Jiangsu Higher Vocational Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“中国共产党百年职业教育方针政策的演进逻辑研究”(编号:BJA210101)。
关键词 高职“百万扩招” 社招 “新高职”运动 重大教育事件 "Million Enrollment Expansion"in higher vocational education social recruitment "New Higher Vocational Education"Movement major educational events
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