

Home-School Cooperation in the U.S.:History,Paths and Enlightenment to"Double Reduction"Policies
摘要 美国家校合作的变迁历程共经历了五个阶段:理念萌芽阶段,家校合作思想萌芽,家长教师协会成立;初步实践阶段,政府开始介入家校合作,家长教师协会规模扩大;信任危机阶段,家校关系出现隔阂,家长教师协会作用甚微;理念制度化阶段,教育法案相继出台,依法赋予家长参与权;政策扩散阶段,家校合作政策推行,多方主体参与协作。美国家校合作的变迁特征体现为在理念上实现了从“自发内隐”到“自觉外显”的转变;在主体上实现了从“学校本位”到“家庭本位”的转变;在体制上实现了从“松散联结”到“制度耦合”的转变。美国通过联邦政府、州政府、社区和第三方机构等层面的路径推进家校合作,在联邦政府层面制定规范型政策法规,充分保障家长权益;在州政府层面制定家校合作的整体性框架,提供具体的实践指南;在学校层面设立多层次的校内机构,细化家校合作的内容和标准;在社区和第三方机构层面提供多元化服务,发挥家校合作的中介力量。基于美国家校合作的变迁历程与推进路径的经验,“双减”背景下,我国家校合作应构建自上而下的法律保障体系,让家校合作有章可循;构建分层有序的组织机构,切实保障家长参与权;丰富家校合作的层次和内容,充分调动家长的参与积极性。 The evolution of home-school cooperation in the United States has gone through five stages.Initially,the concept and idea of home-school cooperation emerged,and the parentteacher association established.At the stage when the practice initiated,the government began to intervene in the home-school cooperation,and the scale of the parent-teacher associations expanded.Later,when encountering trust crisis,the relationship between home and school is estranged,and the power of parent-teacher associations was weakened.At the stage of institutionalization of ideas,education laws are successively promulgated,giving parents the right to participate.At the stage of policy diffusion,home-school cooperation policies were implemented,and multiple parties participate in and collaborate with each other.The changing characteristics of American home-school cooperation presented themselves in transformations from"spontaneously implicit"to"consciously explicit"in concept,from"school-based"to"family-based"in terms of participative bodies,and from"loose connection"to"institutional coupling"in terms of institution.The United States promotes home-school cooperation through the federal government,state governments,community and third-party agencies.It formulates normative policies and regulations at the federal government level to fully protect the rights and interests of parents.It formulates an overall framework for home-school cooperation at the state government level.It provides specific practice guidelines,set up multi-level intra-school institutions at the school level to refine the content and standards of home-school cooperation.It also provides diversified services at the community and third-party levels so as to empower the home-school cooperation.The historical development of home-school cooperation in the United States provided implications for our"Double Reduction"Policies that it should build a topdown legal guarantee system in China so that home-school cooperation has rules to follow,to ensure the right of parents to participate,to enrich the level and content of home-school cooperation,and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of parents to participate.
作者 陈熠舟 段世飞 CHEN Yizhou;DUAN Shifei(Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100091,China;Zhejiang University,Zhejiang 310058,China)
出处 《比较教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期97-110,共14页 Journal of Comparative Education
关键词 美国家校合作 家长参与 社区支持 “双减”政策 American home-school cooperation parent participation community support Double Reduction Policy
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