

Archaeological Discovery of Gem and Jade Artifacts in Guangxi from Prehistoric to Han Dynasty and Its Indication to Regional Cultural Interaction
摘要 宝玉石文化是中华文明的重要组成部分,考古发现的宝玉石文物对揭示区域文明演化及文化互动具有重要意义。近年来随着全国及岭南考古工作的进步,岭南地区(含广西)宝玉石的使用也有许多新的发现,但史前至汉代宝玉石考古发现与域内文明演化、互动的综合研究仍然较为薄弱。本文在对考古新发现进行考察的基础上,参考了前人及文献的研究成果,借助两重证据法对史前至汉代广西宝玉石来源及文化互动关系进行了综合的梳理分析。获得如下认识:(1)广西史前至汉出土的宝玉石文物种类丰富,其中,秦汉以前以玉石为主,秦汉伊始,出现了大量玻璃、水晶、玛瑙、绿柱石、石榴子石、贵金属等宝石类材料,品类丰富,其材料来源既有本地的,也有外属的,显示秦汉是广西文明进化和对外交流的重要转折时期。(2)广西出土的宝玉石文物在形制、工艺技术、造型纹饰方面既有华夏本土特色,也融合吸收了当时其它区域器物的特点(部分可能直接来自异域),考古发现的宝玉石文物有力指示了史前-秦汉广西与其它区域间的文化交流与互动。(3)多元文化之间的交流与碰撞,加快了广西文明发展的进程,和中原及楚文化青铜文明对史前广西地区本土文化的影响相比,宝玉石文化对地方的发展与繁荣同样产生过重要的影响。上述特点显示,广西地区新石器晚期就开始了渐进的文明发展进程,但其文明历程与中原地区既有联系,也有鲜明的区域特点,是中华文明多元一体重要的组成部分。 The culture of gems and jade is an important part of Chinese civilization. The archaeological discoveries of gems and jade relics are of great significance to reveal the evolution of regional civilization and cultural interaction. In recent years, with the progress of national and Lingnan archaeological work, there have been many new discoveries in the use of gems and jade in Lingnan area(including Guangxi), but the comprehensive research on the archaeological discoveries of gems and jade from prehistoric to Han Dynasty and the evolution and interaction of civilization in the region are still weak. Based on the investigation of new archaeological discoveries, this paper refers to the research results of predecessors and literature, and makes a comprehensive analysis of the source and cultural interaction of gemstones in Guangxi from prehistoric to Han Dynasty by means of double evidence method. The following understandings are obtained:(1) There are a variety of gems and jade relics unearthed produced from prehistoric to Han Dynasty in Guangxi. Among them, jades are the main part before Qin and Han dynasties. From the beginning of Qin and Han dynasties, a large number of gem materials such as glass, crystals, agates, beryls, garnets and precious metals have been appeared. The sources of materials are both local and foreign, which shows that Qin and Han dynasties are an important turning point in the evolution of Guangxi civilization and foreign exchange.(2) The gems and jade cultural relics unearthed in Guangxi not only have the local characteristics of Chinese culture in shape, technology and decoration, but also integrate and absorb the characteristics of the artifacts in other regions at that time(Some of these may have been directly from foreign countries). The gems and jade cultural relics unearthed in Guangxi strongly indicate the cultural exchanges and interactions between Guangxi and other regions in the prehistoric Qin and Han Dynasties.(3)Exchanges and collisions between diverse cultures have accelerated the process of the development of civilization in Guangxi. Compared with the influence of the bronze civilization of the Central Plains and Chu culture on the local culture of the prehistoric Guangxi region, the bronze civilization of the Central Plains and Chu culture has also had an important and profound impact on the local development and prosperity. The above characteristics show that the late Neolithic period in Guangxi began to have a complete and gradual process of civilization development, but its civilization process has strong internal relations with the Central Plains region, and also has its own distinct regional characteristics, which is an important part of the pluralistic integration of Chinese civilization.
作者 何静 孙媛 丘志力 李珍 HE Jing;SUN Yuan;QIU Zhili;LI Zhen(Guilin University of Technology/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Hidden Metallic Ore Deposits Exploration,Guilin 541006,China;Gemological Institute/Jewelry Testing Center,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541004,China;School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519080,China;Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relics Protection and Archaeology,Nanning 530001,China)
出处 《宝石和宝石学杂志(中英文)》 CAS 2022年第6期42-57,共16页 Journal of Gems & Gemmology
基金 国家自然科学基金“肃北战国-汉代古采矿遗址(群)软玉:深部地质过程响应及其对丝绸之路华夏早期玉石文明的影响”(41673032) 广西自然科学基金(2015GXNSFBA139197)。
关键词 史前至汉代 宝玉石 区域文化交流 两重证据法 广西 prehistoric to Han Dynasty gem and jade regional cultural interaction double evidence law Guangxi China
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