

Research on Intelligent Design Technology of Three-Dimensional Garment Cutting Pattern
摘要 随着科学技术的不断发展,人工智能技术被越来越多地应用到人们的生活和工作中。在纺织服装产业,立体裁剪纸样设计是一门传统的手工艺,依赖于设计师的空间想象能力和设计经验,设计效率低,学习周期长。研究提出三维服装立体裁剪纸样智能设计技术,采用机器学习的方法,结合计算机图形学和CAD技术,实现服装立体裁剪纸样的自动化设计。通过研究三维模型的识别与分类、设计知识的表达、获取与自动生成、三维曲面展开等关键技术,探索人工智能在数字化服装产品设计领域的新技术、新应用,对计算机图形学和计算机辅助设计领域的发展起着积极的作用,为服装、鞋和箱包等柔性复杂产品的智能设计提供理论依据和技术支撑。 With the continuous development of science and technology,artificial intelligence technology is now increasingly applied to people s lives and work.In the textile and garment industry,three-dimensional pattern design is a traditional handicraft,relying on the designer s spatial imagination and design experience,with low design efficiency and long learning cycle.This paper proposes the research of intelligent design technology of three-dimensional clothing cutting pattern,and adopts the machine learning method,combined with computer graphics and CAD technology,to realize the automatic design of three-dimensional clothing cutting pattern.By studying key technologies such as the identification and classification of 3D models,the expression,acquisition and automatic generation of design knowledge,and the unfolding of 3D surfaces,the new technologies and applications of artificial intelligence in the field of digital clothing product design are explored,which plays a positive role in the development of computer graphics and computer-aided design,and provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the intelligent design of flexible and complex products such as clothing,shoes and bags.
作者 信玉峰 XIN Yufeng(College of Art and Design,Sanming University,Sanming 365004,China)
出处 《南昌师范学院学报》 2022年第6期52-56,共5页 Journal of Nanchang Normal University
基金 福建省教育厅教改项目“数字化服装技术在服装专业一流课程群建设中的应用研究”(FBJG20200340) 福建省科技厅自然科学基金项目“三维服装立体裁剪纸样智能设计技术研究”项目(2020J01392)。
关键词 三维服装 立体裁剪 纸样智能设计 three-dimensional clothing three-dimensional cutting intelligent pattern design
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