
美好理想与现实困境:主体民族志教育思想的探索与意义 被引量:1

Beautiful Ideals and Realistic Dilemmas: The Exploration and Significance of Educational Thought of the Subjective Ethnography
摘要 主体民族志在教育思想上提出尊重个体“生性”的内在特点,从“主体”重新出发,平衡文化的外“教”与个性的内“育”,实行教育改革。这一对教育主体的唤醒有益于个人身心健康并成为“完整”的人,有助于社会培养有洞见的创新性人才,引领人类变得更好。然而,普遍共同的教育无论是对个人的公平成长,还是对社会、国家和人类的发展都极为重要,必须承载国家建设、人类发展的任务,这是教育的根本使命;且即使在最偏重个体和自由的教育模式中,个体自由和生性发展因种种原因并不能真正实现,主体民族志的教育理念具有现实困境。主体民族志提供的三种主体觉醒案例,都是个人独特生性与后天经历偶然碰撞的结果,这种唤醒不可复制,也无规律可循。主体民族志的启示在于:来自过去经验的教育体系在面对未来的教育目标时要自我设限和不断反思革新,同时教育者需有去自我权威的自觉和担当,勇于退却,这是未来教育探索的新起点。 The subjective ethnography proposes to respect the internal characteristics of the individual’s “natural nature” in educational thought, balance the “external education” of culture and the “internal education” of individuality with the “subject” in mind, and implement educational reform. This awakening of the subjectivity of education is beneficial to the physical and mental health of individuals, which helps the society to cultivate insightful and innovative talents and can lead human beings to become better. However, being extremely important both for the equitable growth of individuals and for the development of society, the country and human beings, universal and common education must carry out the tasks of national construction and human development, which is the fundamental mission of education. In the free education model that emphasizes individuals and freedom, individual freedom and natural development cannot be truly realized due to various reasons, and the educational concept of subjective ethnography has a realistic dilemma. The three main awakening cases provided by the subjective ethnography are all the results of the accidental collision between the unique nature of the individual and the acquired experience. This awakening cannot be replicated, nor there are rules to be followed. The revelation of subjective ethnography is that the educational system from past experience must set its own limits and constantly rethink and innovate in the face of future educational goals. At the same time, educators need to be conscious and responsible for their own authority, and have the courage to retreat, thus being the new starting point for future education exploration.
作者 崔应令 CUI Yingling
出处 《湖北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期20-30,共11页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“新疆精准扶贫与民族团结有机结合模式研究”(17BMZ118)。
关键词 主体民族志 教育限度 主体觉醒 教育改革 subjective ethnography educational limit subject awakening educational reform
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