

Design of sequential sense acquisition system for painting and calligraphy
摘要 针对书画的分类问题,提出了一种新的标准,即时序感。以往的书画是通过复杂度、情感和审美吸引力等进行分类的,而当人们欣赏一幅书画作品时,还可以感受到艺术家的操作过程,并且可以将操作过程按照一定的时序衔接起来,即作品可以唤起欣赏者的时序感。首先,设计了采集书画时序感的系统;其次,设计实验对34幅书画作品的时序感进行收集;最后,将得到的时序序列建模为马尔可夫链,通过对马尔可夫模型的随机性进行度量以比较不同风格书画的时序感。实验结果表明:该系统可以收集到作品的时序感,并且时序感可以作为分类的度量标准。 A new classification standard that is sequential sense is proposed for the classification of painting and calligraphy.Previous classification of painting and calligraphy is classified by complexity,emotion and aesthetic attraction.When a viewer is appreciating a piece of visual art,she/he can reconstruct the artist’s creation process in his/her mind,and creation processes can be linked up in a certain time order,that is to say,the visual art can arouse the sequential sense of a viewer.Firstly,the system for acquiring the sequential sense is designed.Secondly,the experiment is designed to collect sequential sense of 34 paintings and calligraphy works.Finally,the obtained sequence is modeled as Markov chain,and one method is used to measure the randomness of the Markov model so as to compare the sequential sense of different styles of painting and calligraphy.Experimental results show that the system can collect the sequential sense of works,and it can be used as a standard for classification.
作者 律睿慜 邢红姹 梅莉琳 晏涛 LV Ruimin;XING Hongcha;MEI Lilin;YAN Tao(School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China)
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期91-93,97,共4页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61902151) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK20170197)。
关键词 时序感 实验美学 熵率 马尔科夫链 Lempel-Ziv算法 sequential sense experimental aesthetics entropy rate Markov chains Lempel-Ziv algorithm
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