

Mechanism of Exosome Pro-cerebrovascular Regeneration
摘要 外泌体是由各种类型的细胞经过一系列转化机制形成并可分泌到细胞外的含有多种生物活性的物质,不仅具有在细胞间转运蛋白质、脂类和核酸等活性物质的作用,而且还具有介导细胞间通讯和激活信号通路、促进脑血管新生及载药的作用。文章通过查阅近年来发表的文献对其相关作用机制进行阐述,为临床中脑血管疾病的治疗、药物的研制等提供一些新思路。 Exosomes are substances with various biological activities that are formed by various types of cells through a series of transformation mechanisms and can be secreted outside the cells. They not only have the function of transporting active substances such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids between cells, Moreover, it also has the functions of mediating intercellular communication and activating signal pathways, promoting cerebral angiogenesis and drug loading. This article reviews the relevant mechanism of action by consulting the literature published in recent years, and provides some new ideas for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases and the development of drugs in clinical practice.
作者 朱立平 汤子钦 杨士运 ZHU Liping;TANG Ziqing;YANG Shiyun(Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangxi Nanning 530000,China)
机构地区 广西中医药大学
出处 《中医药临床杂志》 2023年第1期5-8,共4页 Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 外泌体 血管新生 中药 Exosomes Angiogenesis Traditional Chinese medicine
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