

A study of the effect of changes in nasal tip prominence on the sense of anterior prominence of the upper lip
摘要 目的 探讨鼻尖突度变化对上唇前突感的影响,为软组织美貌的改善提供参考依据。方法 获得模特知情同意及肖像授权,使用三维立体摄像机拍摄1名女性模特并获取其面部3D模型,使用ZBRUSH2019软件在原始模型基础上模拟鼻尖突度变化,制作出9段面部动态旋转视频,通过问卷网站创建电子问卷,随机选择正畸科患者、口腔正畸专业相关人员以及普通成年人为受试者填写电子问卷,评价不同鼻尖突度对于上唇前突感的影响。问卷中采用视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)评价上唇突出的感观程度,分数越高表示受试者认为图像中模特的上唇越突出。采用广义线性混合模型对问卷数据进行统计学分析。结果总体上随着3D模型鼻尖突度递减,受试者评价上唇突出的分数增高。交互效应分析显示,在男性受试者中:当鼻尖突度变量为+6 mm、+4.5 mm时,普通人群受试者的分数高于正畸科患者受试者(P=0.023,P=0.047);当鼻尖突度+6 mm时,普通人群受试者的分数同时高于口腔正畸专业相关人员受试者(P=0.023);当鼻尖变量为-6 mm时,普通人群受试者的分数低于正畸科患者受试者(P=0.003),其余各重测距离组间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 当鼻尖部突度递减,受试人群均产生上唇前突的视错觉现象;而当鼻尖突度过大时,普通人群评价上唇突出的视错觉现象最为明显。 Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of changes in nasal tip protrusion on the sense of upper lip protrusion in different populations and to provide a reference for the improvement of soft tissue beauty.Methods Informed consent and portrait authorization were obtained from the model.A female model whose face met the criteria was selected,and a 3D model of her was obtained using a 3D stereo camera.Based on the original model,ZBRUSH2019 software was used to simulate changes in nose tip protrusion.Then,9 segments of facial dynamic rotation videos were produced,and an electronic questionnaire was created through a questionnaire website to evaluate the effect of different nose tip protrusions on perceived upper lip protrusion.Randomly selected orthodontic patients,orthodontics professionals and general adults completed the electronic questionnaire.In the questionnaire,a Visual Analog Scale was used to evaluate the perceived degree of protrusion of the upper lip.The higher the score,the more prominent the upper lip of the model in the image.The questionnaire data were statistically analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model.Results As the nasal tip position became progressively more retracted,the subjects’upper lip protrusion scores increased.Among male subjects,the results showed that the general population thought that the upper lip protrusion was higher than the patients did when the nasal tip protrusion was+6 mm and+4.5 mm (P=0.023,P=0.047).When the nasal tip protrusion was+6 mm,the scores of the general population were higher than those of the orthodontics professionals (P=0.023).However,when the nasal tip variable was-6 mm,their score was lower than that of the patients (P=0.003),and there was no significant difference in other retest distances between groups (P>0.05).Conclusion When the protrusion of the nasal tip decreased,the three groups experienced a visual illusion of upper lip protrusion.When the nasal tip protrusion is too large,the general population perceived the visual illusion of the upper lip protrusion as being more obvious.
作者 庄子庭 包睿 李孟欢 王伟财 包柏成 ZHUANG Ziting;BAO Rui;LI Menghuan;WANG Weicai;BAO Baicheng(Department of Orthodontics,Hospi-tal of Stomatology,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510055,China;Statistical Information Section-Medical Re-cord Room,Stomatological Hospital,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510280,China)
出处 《口腔疾病防治》 2023年第5期345-351,共7页 Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金(82001005) 广东省自然科学基金(2018A030310278)。
关键词 正畸 口腔 面部美学 视错觉 面部三维动态捕捉系统 三维图像 鼻尖突度 唇突度 orthodontics dental facial aesthetics visual illusion 3d MD 3D image nasal tip promi-nence lip protrusion
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