
杭州国家厂丝储备仓库建筑保护与再生解码 被引量:2

Protection and Regeneration Strategies on the State Silk Warehouse in Hangzhou
摘要 杭嘉湖地区是我国近现代最主要的丝绸产业集聚区之一,拥有丰富的丝绸工业遗产资源。杭州国家厂丝储备仓库曾是杭嘉湖地区重要的大型丝茧仓储基地,研究将其作为区域性丝绸工业遗产研究样本,在历时性语境下,论述了建筑遗产的发展阶段及其主要特征。研究解析了仓库区在生产经营期的空间总体布局,以及建筑群体组合方式、内部空间格局、形构与立面形式、结构体系与外窗系统等建筑本体的类型化特征;诠释了在废弃闲置期仓库建筑群作为历史遗迹景观所具有的废墟特质及其呈现的“如画”图景;阐述了在保护与再生期基于对建筑空间布局结构、形式要素等历史信息进行保护的基础上,通过景观重塑、透明体嵌入、加固修缮、功能更新、空间重构等对策,实现建筑本体基因传承与遗产旅游容器再生的复合目标。 Hangjiahu area is one of the most important silk industry cluster district in modern China,with rich silk industrial heritage resources.As the state silk warehouse used to be an important large silk cocoon storage base in Hangjiahu area,this paper takes it as a research sample of regional silk industrial heritage,and discusses the development stages and main characteristics of architectural heritage in a diachronic context.Furthermore,the paper analyzes the general spatial layout of the warehouse in the operation period,as well as the typology characteristics of the architectural noumenon,such as the combination mode of the building group,the interior spatial pattern,the architectural shape and the elevation form,the structural system and the external window system.And then,it interprets the characteristics of ruins and the"picturesque"scenery of the warehouse buildings as a historical relic landscape in the abandoned period.At last,this paper expounds how to achieve the composite goal of architectural ontology gene inheritance and the regeneration of architectural space carrying heritage tourism through landscape remoulding,transparent block embedding,consolidation and restoration,function renewal and space reconstructionin based on the protection of architectural historical information such as spatial layout structure and form elements in the protection and regeneration period.
出处 《建筑与文化》 2023年第1期100-103,共4页 Architecture & Culture
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:51878125) 浙江省文物保护科技项目(项目编号:2018013)。
关键词 丝绸工业遗产 仓库建筑 历史遗迹景观 国家厂丝储备仓库 silk industry heritage warehouse building historical relics landscape the state silk warehouse
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