

Textual research on the author of Hua Shi Hui Yao
摘要 《画史会要》是明代少有的纪传体绘画通史,记载了从有画之初的三皇五帝时期至明代的画家传记,为我们提供了一条古代绘画的发展脉络,也为后世研究中国古代绘画史提供了重要的史料和文献。但《画史会要》的作者自清代起便有两种说法,一为朱谋垔,一为金赉,学界对此至今未有定论。二人身份地位悬殊,朱谋垔为出身天潢贵胄的明代宗室,而金赉则是一位名不见经传的文人。由于人的写作思想、写作目的等总是带有一定的阶级性,势必导致其著作中反映的思想内容,喜好倾向有所不同。故而,对《画史会要》的作者进行考辨,既是为了去伪存真,恢复古籍的本来面目,更有助于我们进一步研究作者所属群体的绘画成就及思想倾向,是十分必要的工作。通过校勘《画史会要》几个版本中的异文部分,我们发现朱谋垔为本书最初的编纂者,而非一些学者所谓的抄袭者。另一方面,考察书籍中文本的编排方式以及叙述策略,亦能够帮助我们确定《画史会要》作者的身份是明宗室的事实。所以《画史会要》的作者为明宗室朱谋垔所作这一结论应当是较为可靠的。 Hua Shi Hui Yaois the only general biographical painting history in the Ming Dynasty,which records the biographies of painters from the period of three Sovereigns and Five Emperors at the beginning of painting to the Ming Dynasty.It provides us with a development context of ancient painting,and also provides important historical materials and documents for later generations to study the history of ancient Chinese painting.However,since the Qing Dynasty,there have been two opinions about the author of this book.one is Zhu Mouyin,and the other is Jin Lai.The academic circle has not yet reached a conclusion.The status of these two is very different,Zhu Mouyin is a prince of Ming dynasty,and Jin Lai is a little-known literator.Such as people thought,the purpose of writing is always a certain class nature,will inevitably lead to their writings reflect the ideological content,orientation is different.So it is very necessary to study the author of this book,not only to remove the false and preserve the true,restore the original appearance of ancient books,but also to help us further study the painting achievement and ideological tendency of the group to which the author belongs.In this article,through collating the differents beteen old manuscripts by Jin Lai,Ming versions by Zhu Mouyin,Rebuilt version by Zhu Tonghong,transcripts by Songnan study and the version of the Si Ku Quan Shu,found that there is no evidence that he plagiarized,but provides the key evidence about the copyright of this book belongs to Zhu Mouyin.And the last,some details in the book and the postscript after the book also confirm the fact that the author of this book is a prince of Ming dynasty.Therefore,this article thinks that this book is written by Zhu Mouyin,and this conclusion is relatively reliable。
作者 周颖 Zhou Ying(School of History and Culture,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715)
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2022年第12期117-127,共11页 Chongqing Social Sciences
关键词 画史会要 作者考辨 朱谋垔 金赉 明宗室 Hua Shi Hui Yao copyright Zhu Mouyin Jin Lai the prince of Ming dynasty
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