

A Study of the Interpreters, Officers and Their Later Generations in Joseon Missions to China
摘要 朝鲜朝燕行使团中的译官、医官、写字官、画员、日官以及带率子弟与使臣亲友中的各类军官等,在使行过程中负责翻译沟通、情报侦缉、医疗救助、抄写模印、气象预测、伺候使臣、护卫团队安全以及八包贸易等具体职责,对使事能否成功起着决定性的重要作用。带率子弟等入中国的最大动力是游览大国,增广闻见,是“燕行录”创作的主力军。由于使臣所带译官等过于滥杂,给使团带来巨大的负担与风险,导致走私贸易猖獗,但因为从朝鲜朝王室到地方官府与官员也从中获得了不少利益,故屡禁难止。正、副使与书状官等对译官等的记录,往往是形象猥琐而能力低下的贪残之辈,这其中有个人偏见与推卸责任之嫌。但正是这些译官,在朝鲜王朝末期成为坚决主张改革的开化派,成为了旧时代的掘墓人和新时代的开创者。 The interpreters, medical officers, writing officers, painting officers, day officers, their later generations and various officers of the ambassadors and their relatives and friends were responsible for translation and communication, information detection, medical assistance, copy printing, weather forecasting, waiting for the ambassadors, escorting the safety of the team, and private trade during the mission, which played a decisive role in the success of the mission. The greatest motivation for their later generations to China was to visit the great countries and to broaden their horizons, and they were the main force behind the creation of the “Yan Journey Record”. The fact that the ambassadors brought a variety of interpreters and other officials with them put a great burden and risk on the mission, and led to the rampant smuggling trade, but since the royal family of Joseon and the local government and officials also gained a lot of benefits from it, it was difficult to stop it. The record of the translators from the chief and deputy ambassadors and the clerical officers is that they are often corrupt and crippled people with obscene image and low ability, which is suspected of personal prejudice and shirking responsibility. It was these interpreters who became the enlightened school of reform at the end of the Joseon Dynasty and the gravediggers of the old era and the pioneers of the new era.
作者 漆永祥 Qi Yongxiang(Peking University,Beijing,100871)
出处 《东疆学刊》 CSSCI 2023年第1期1-20,127,共21页 Dongjiang Journal
关键词 朝鲜朝燕行录 译官 带率子弟 军官 走私贸易 Yan Journey Record interpreter later generation officials smuggling trade
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