

The Writings on Political Affairs in Yongjia by Poet-prefect Xie Lingyun
摘要 官修《宋书》说:谢灵运在永嘉太守任内“肆意游遨,遍历诸县,动逾旬朔,民间听讼,不复关怀”,这属于盖棺之论。然而奇怪的是,千百年来,永嘉人民无比地崇敬、爱戴这位太守,种种纪念性场所或建筑遍布永嘉各地。这一矛盾现象应当得到解释。事实上,谢灵运“遍历诸县”的真相,恰恰说明了他是一位很有担当的官吏。虽然任职仅仅一年的时间,谢灵运巡视兼调研,规划加督导,从经济民生,到礼乐教化,完成了治理永嘉的顶层设计,铺开并实施了一系列的发展永嘉的基础工程。谢灵运永嘉时期的山水诗、玄言诗、励志诗、行田诗、劝农诗,以及“游名山志”,正是他作为太守的“工作日记”,他以诗人的才情,记录了他为官一方的感人的心路历程。治理且造福永嘉的功德,足以还原谢灵运应受尊重与赞扬的良吏形象。 According the official record in the Song Dynasty Song Shu(宋书),during the time when Xie Lingyun served as the Prefect of Yongjia,he"traveled frequently and visited all the counties in Yongjia,and his visits often lasted between ten days or a month,yet he neglected his duties of running the government".This reflected the official conclusion about his performance.Nevertheless,the residents of Yongjia admired and loved this Prefect,and they had established various memorial buildings at different locations around Yongjia.This significant discrepancy should be addressed.In fact,the truth about Xie Lingyun's visits to countries in Yongjia displayed that he was a very responsible official.Although his service as a prefect lasted just one year,Xie Lingyun completed the top planning about running Yongjia and implemented a series of basic projects for its development from economy,social welfare,to education by his inspection and investigation tours,as well as his planning and supervision.His landscape,metaphysical,inspirational,pastoral and agriculture-encouraging poems,as well as the landscape travel notes,which he composed during his stay at Yongjia,were actually his"working diary"as the Prefect.He recorded his psychological journey as a local government official with his poetic talents and emotions.His contributions and achievements in Yongjia were sufficient to restore his reputation as a respectful and meritorious official.
作者 姜剑云 孙笑娟 Jiang Jianyun;Sun Xiaojuan
机构地区 河北大学文学院
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期66-74,共9页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 谢灵运 “工作日记” 永嘉政绩 良吏形象 Xie Lingyun “Working Diary” Achievements at Yongjia Reputation of Meritorious Official








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