

Current status and problems of human resources of centers for disease control and prevention in Kashgar District,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
摘要 【目的】了解新疆喀什地区和所辖县市两级疾病预防控制(简称“疾控”)中心人力资源配置现状,分析其存在的问题和影响因素,为合理配置人力资源提供科学依据。【方法】2022年2月喀什地区卫生健康委员会组织对喀什地区和所辖12个县市疾控中心开展问卷调查,调查问卷分为机构问卷和个人问卷。【结果】喀什地区两级疾控中心目前核定编制604个,核定编制达标率76.17%;其中有5个县核定编制达标率<60%,现有在编人员524人,空编率为13.25%。地区级疾控中心实际在岗人数85人,县市疾控中心在岗人数中位数为34人。地区级疾控中心人员队伍老龄化严重,45岁以上占67.06%;县市疾控中心则总体呈现年轻化特征,35岁以下年龄组占54.22%。地区及县市疾控中心本科及以上人员分别占31.76%和24.95%,无职称人员分别占32.94%和48.03%,中、高级职称人员分别占57.89%和22.02%。近3年全地区流失人员24人,均为专业技术人员。【结论】喀什地区疾控机构人员编制不足,人员结构不合理,流失现象严重,尤其是地区级疾控中心亟待优化人力资源配置。 [Objective]To evaluate the current situation of human resource allocation in district and county centers for disease control and prevention(CDCs)in Kashgar,identify existing problems and influencing factors,and to provide scientific evidence for optimizing the human resource allocation.[Methods]A survey was conducted among all CDCs in Kashgar in February 2022.The questionnaire included the institutional and individual questions.[Results]The overall staff size approved for the CDCs in Kashgar was 604,with a staffing rate of 76.17%,among which the staffing rates in 5 county CDCs were less than 60%.Currently,there were a total of 524 approved staff members in all CDCs,resulting in a vacancy rate of 13.25%.In the district CDC,85 staff members were on duty,while the median of staff on duty was 34 in each county CDC.The staff in the district CDC was ageing,of which those aged over 45 accounted for 67.06%.The staff in the county CDCs was generally young,of which those aged less than 35 accounted for 54.22%.Moreover,the proportion of staff with bachelor’s degree or above in the district and county CDCs was 31.76%and 24.95%,respectively.The proportion of staff without professional title was 32.94%and 48.03%,respectively.In contrast,the proportion of those with middle and senior professional title was 57.89%and 22.02%,respectively.In addition,in recent 3 years,24 staff members resigned in the CDCs,all of whom had professional titles.[Conclusion]Human resources are insufficient in CDCs in Kashgar.Furthermore,staff structure is unreasonable,with a serious loss of human resources.In particular,the district CDC needs to optimize the allocation of human resources.
作者 谢芳 何永超 赵春阳 周宇华 吐尔洪·阿布都热依木 陆殷昊 何懿 XIE Fang;HE Yongchao;ZHAO Chunyang;ZHOU Yuhua;TUERHONG Abudureyimu;LU Yinhao;HE Yi(Kashgar District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Kashgar,Xinjiang 844000,China;Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 200336,China)
出处 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2022年第11期1146-1152,共7页 Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 疾病预防控制机构 人力资源 喀什地区 center for disease control and prevention human resource Kashgar District
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