田路分割是农机轨迹语义分割模型的重要任务之一,其目的是将轨迹自动分割为田间作业轨迹和道路行驶轨迹。田路分割模型的参数是影响其分割准确性及精度的关键因素,传统的参数选择方法效率较低且难以获得较好的方案,限制了模型的分割性能。因此,该研究选用基于方向分布的田路分割模型(Field-Road Trajectory Segmentation Based on Direction Distribution,BDFRTS),尝试从参数优化的角度研究模型的性能提升,提出的方法主要包括两个方面,首先建立了一种基于元启发式算法(Metaheuristic Algorithms,MA)的田路分割模型参数优化解决方案;其次,在黏菌算法(Slime Mould Algorithm,SMA)的基础上提出了一种改进的多元振荡黏菌算法(Multiplex Oscillation Slime Mould Algorithm,MOSMA)求解参数优化方案以更好地提高模型的分割性能。MOSMA分别提出一种动态引导策略与多元振荡策略强化了黏菌的振荡收缩反应及细胞质的流动过程,进而增强了算法的优化能力。为验证所提参数优化方法的有效性,将博创联动提供的中国农机在2021年9月底—10月中下旬进行水稻收割的作业轨迹作为数据集开展试验。试验结果表明,该研究所提方法有效地提升了田路分割模型的准确性和性能。MOSMA-BDFRTS分割模型在10组高密度轨迹中的平均准确率相比网格搜索田路分割模型、粒子群田路分割模型分别提高了25和28个百分点;在10组低密度轨迹中分割的平均准确率分别提高了17和14个百分点。该研究可为田路分割技术提供合理的性能优化方案,也为农业机械运动轨迹分割技术的效率研究提供参考依据。
Field-Road Trajectory Segmentation(FRTS) is one of the important tasks of agricultural machinery. A sequence of field-road segments of a trajectory can be automatically divided for the big data in precision agriculture. The parameter of the FRTS model can also determine the segmentation accuracy and precision. However, the traditional parameter selection cannot obtain the superior solution, limiting the segmentation performance of the model. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the performance improvement of the FRTS model from the perspective of parameter optimization. Two aspects were mainly contained as follows. Firstly, the metaheuristic algorithms were used to determine the parameter configuration of the model.The classification accuracy was considered as an objective to transform the parameter into a single-objective optimization.Specifically, the parameter structure of the model was abstracted as the searched individual of the optimization. The reasonable fitness function was set, according to the metrics of FRTS evaluation. Then, the fitness was used to evaluate the search of the individual in the solution space. The location of the searched individual was also continuously adjusted, according to the calculation rules of the optimization. As such, the global optimal parameter structure was achieved to converge. Secondly, a Multiplex Oscillation Slime Mould Algorithm(MOSMA) was proposed to realize the parameter optimization with the nonlinear characteristics and multiple locally optimal solutions. A dynamic guidance strategy was also established to adaptively change the individual movement for the better exploitation capability of the model, according to the search process of the population. Then, a strategy(called multivariate oscillation) was proposed to improve the segmentation performance and exploration capability of the model. Different search paths were utilized to produce multiple oscillations before the individual moves, and the priori rule was then to evaluate the qualities of paths. As such, the path with the highest quality was selected to move. The synergy of the two strategies enhanced the optimization capability of the model. Dynamic guidance and a multiplex oscillation strategy enhanced the oscillation contraction patterns of the slime mould and the process of the cytoplasm flows,thereby improving the optimization performance of the model. The experiments were also performed on real agricultural trajectory datasets with different sampling frequencies. A comparison was then made with the Grid Search(GS) and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) to validate the effectiveness of the model. The experiment results show that the new optimization effectively improved the accuracy and performance of the FRTS model using direction distribution(BDFRTS). The average accuracy of the MOSMA-BDFRTS on high-density trajectory data was increased by 25 percentage points and 28 percentage points compared with GS-BDFRTS and PSO-BDFRTS. MOSMA-BDFRTS achieved more competitive results on low-density trajectory data, whose average accuracy of segmentation was improved by 17 percentage points and 14 percentage points compared with GS-BDFRTS and PSO-BDFRTS. The proposed method provides a generalized parameter optimization solution for field-road trajectory segmentation models, and it can be applied directly to other types of model instances. The study also provides a reference for the research of the agricultural machinery movement trajectory segmentation technology.
Zhai Weixin;Pan Jiawen;Lan Yubin;Wu Caicong(College of Information and Electrical Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China;Key Laboratory of Agricultural Machinery Monitoring and Big Data Applications,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100083,China;School of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255000,China;National Center for International Collaboration Research on Precision Agricultural Aviation Pesticides Spraying Technology,Guangzhou 510642,China)
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
parameter optimization
field-road trajectory segmentation
slime mould algorithm
dynamic guidance
multiplex oscillation